WoolyPooly offers cryptocurrency mining pools that allow you to mine multiple tokens. WoolyPooly has one of the highest profits pools due to its focus on low commission fees for PPLNS and SOLO reward systems. We have had miners, entrepreneurs, and mining pool supporters. High-performance dedicated servers with high bandwidth connections and low latency. We are focused on profitable coins, active development, and a long-term view. Our top priorities are good volume, great team, and exchange access. We have a lot of cryptocurrencies: ETH, ETC and CFX, Veil Ergo, Cortex and Grin, among others. They are all worth mining with your GPU software. After the min. Once the payout threshold has been reached, payments are made automatically. Payments are not dependent on time. You can make as many payments as necessary. There are coins like GRIN that block "opens" after 1440 network confirmations.