Apache ActiveMQ®, a Java-based, open-source, multi-protocol message broker, is one of the most popular. It supports industry-standard protocols, so users can enjoy the benefits of client options across a wide range of languages and platforms. Connect to clients written in JavaScript and C++. Use the ubiquitous AMQP protocol to integrate multi-platform applications. Use STOMP over websockets to exchange messages between web applications. Manage your IoT devices using MQTT. Support your existing JMS infrastructure, and more. ActiveMQ has the flexibility and power to support any messaging use case. There are currently two ActiveMQ flavors available: the well-known "classic broker" and the "next-generation" broker code-named Artemis. Artemis will be the next major ActiveMQ version once it reaches sufficient feature parity with its "Classic" code base. Artemis has an initial migration document and a development roadmap.