Receive instant notifications about any online discussions you are able to participate in. The world is flooded with user-generated data. This includes countless comments in innumerable discussion threads. The vast majority of this data is useless to you. We help you find the valuable bits. Syften is like automated gold panning. It finds the gold nuggets among the stream of irrelevant chatter. You can get new users for your startup with no investment. Social, blog, and community posts are some of the most effective marketing channels available for startups. Syften makes it so simple that you will feel like you are cheating. Engaging in community, social, and blog content regularly will generate large amounts of organic traffic for your business, all free. You can monitor up to 100 keywords and generate thousands of opportunities to promote your company each week. Referral, the leading source of acquisition for startups in early stages, has shown a significant increase in landing page visits.