AI-driven virtual analysts streamline 80-90% of routine operations, providing quicker, superior, and cost-effective alert triage, investigation, and response, all while backed by human expertise. Dismiss the notions of costly, sluggish, and inconsistent investigations, and embrace meticulously precise inquiries at extraordinary speeds. While conventional Managed Detection and Response (MDR) services depend on human analysts for case triage, AirMDR's intelligent virtual analyst handles these cases at a pace that is 20 times swifter, featuring enhanced consistency and thoroughness. As a result, human analysts at AirMDR are burdened with over 90% fewer cases to manually sort through. Enjoy high-quality investigation, triage, and response for every alert, with an impressive 90% of alerts being processed in less than five minutes. Each alert undergoes automatic enrichment, investigation, and triage by our virtual analyst, acting as the initial responder, while our dedicated team of human security professionals continuously supervises and refines the process, guaranteeing a smooth and effective security operation. This innovative approach not only enhances efficiency but also elevates the overall quality of security measures.