The Angry IP scanner scans IP addresses and ports very quickly. It can scan IP addresses from any range and any ports. It is lightweight and cross-platform. It doesn't require installation and can be copied and used wherever you like. Angry IP scanner simply pings each IP to verify that it is alive. If it is, it will resolve its hostname, determine the MAC address, scan ports, and so on. Plugins allow you to increase the amount of data collected about each host. You can also access additional features like NetBIOS information (computer, workgroup, currently logged-in Windows user), favorite address ranges, webserver detection, customizable openers, and NetBIOS information (computer, workgroup, and currently logged in Windows user). You can save scan results to CSV, TXT or XML files. Angry IP scanner can collect any information about scanned IPs using plugins. Anyone who can code Java code can create plugins and extend the functionality of Angry IP scanner.