It can be difficult to track down and collect a bad loan. It may be out of your sight, but it should not be out of your mind for your bottom line. The Charge-off Loan Tracker, (COLT), makes it easier to deal with bad loans. Since 1987, COLT has been helping financial institutions collect and manage those pesky charge offs. It's so simple to use that you'll be amazed! It tracks unpaid balances, accumulates interest, accepts new payment terms, generates reports for boards, and many other useful features. COLT can help you collect if there is a chance. COLT makes it easy to revive bad loans, so you can focus on more profitable tasks. Tracking principal, interest, and fees. There are many accrual methods. Transaction-based accounting. Flexible modification repayment terms. Borrower correspondence and invoicing. Complete shadow accounting. 1099-Cs, with automated interface to IRS Documented audit trail. Robust reporting engine.