PolyWorks|Modeler™ is a comprehensive reverse-engineering software solution that allows extracting optimal CAD entities, curves, surfaces, parametric sketches, and prismatic features, from polygonal models of digitized parts to serve as the starting point in your professional CAD modeling solution. The first step in reverse-engineering is to transform digitized point cloud into surface-based polygonal model, also known as meshes. Polygonal models are smaller, more precise, and less noisy that raw point clouds. They can be used in industrial applications like milling, 3D printing, aerodynamic simulation, and other similar ones. Use effective scanning techniques that ensure precision and quality with real-time quality monitoring technology. Fill in holes, smoothen and rebuild surfaces, repair sharp edges, clean borders, make surfaces watertight and recover edges. Boolean operations using CAD models include: repairing fillets, re-obliterating surfaces, constructing fillets, extruding boundaries, and reconstructing surfaces.