Inspire your clients digitally. Dibiz is a digital card that inspires clients. It is elegant, affordable and smart. It's easy to create in minutes. Impressive rich content. You can share it from anywhere and anytime. Help the environment and save trees. It takes just 2 minutes to create your business card. It's simple, elegant, and completely free. DIBIZ is always with you, never tears, never runs out. You can easily update your DIBIZ with our user-friendly dashboard. This will mean you don't have to reprint a business card. A business card allows you to express yourself in new ways. Upload rich content like photos, videos, or custom links to showcase your work. Your customers can reach you via their mobile phones. Use our share options to make your brand viral. Share your DIBIZ with clients and friends. DIBIZ can be accessed from any location. You can share your DIBIZ experience with friends and colleagues via a variety of channels.