Renowned startpoint security software products in the IRI Data Protector suite and IRI Voracity data management platform will: classify, find, and mask personally identifiable information (PII) and other "data at risk" in almost every enterprise data source and sillo today, on-premise or in the cloud.
Each IRI data masking tool in the suite -- FieldShield, DarkShield or CellShield EE -- can help you comply (and prove compliance) with the CCPA, CIPSEA, FERPA, HIPAA/HITECH, PCI DSS, and SOC2 in the US, and international data privacy laws like the GDPR, KVKK, LGPD, LOPD, PDPA, PIPEDA and POPI.
Co-located and compatible IRI tooling in Voracity, including IRI RowGen, can also synthesize test data from scratch, and produce referentially correct (and optionally masked) database subsets.
IRI and its authorized partners around the world can help you implement fit-for-purpose compliance and breach mitigation solutions using these technologies if you need help.