IRI CoSort
IRI, The CoSort Company
$4,000 perpetual use
For more four decades, IRI CoSort has defined the state-of-the-art in big data sorting and transformation technology. From advanced algorithms to automatic memory management, and from multi-core exploitation to I/O optimization, there is no more proven performer for production data processing than CoSort.
CoSort was the first commercial sort package developed for open systems: CP/M in 1980, MS-DOS in 1982, Unix in 1985, and Windows in 1995. Repeatedly reported to be the fastest commercial-grade sort product for Unix. CoSort was also judged by PC Week to be the "top performing" sort on Windows.
CoSort was released for CP/M in 1978, DOS in 1980, Unix in the mid-eighties, and Windows in the early nineties, and received a readership award from DM Review magazine in 2000. CoSort was first designed as a file sorting utility, and added interfaces to replace or convert sort program parameters used in IBM DataStage, Informatica, MF COBOL, JCL, NATURAL, SAS, and SyncSort.
In 1992, CoSort added related manipulation functions through a control language interface based on VMS sort utility syntax, which evolved through the years to handle structured data integration and staging for flat files and RDBs, and multiple spinoff products.