Empress Embedded Database engine, a relational database management software that specializes in embedded database technology, is the heartbeat behind EMPRESS RDBMS. It's a relational database management tool that focuses on embedded database technology. From car navigation systems to mission-critical military command and control systems, to complex medical systems and Internet routers, EMPRESS keeps a steady beat, 24 hours / 7, at the core of embedded system applications all over the world. Empress kernel level mr API gives users access the Empress Database kernel libraries. This is a unique feature in Empress. This Empress API is the fastest way to access Empress databases. MR Routines allow developers to have complete control over space and time when developing embedded database applications. Empress ODBC APIs and JDBC APIs allow Empress databases to be accessed in standalone or client/server modes. Empress ODBC APIs and JDBC APIs allow many 3rd-party ODBC/JDBC capable software packages access to Empress databases via Empress Connectivity Server or local Empress databases.