All your financial information in one place. No more logging in to multiple websites. Our financial services connect with your financial institutions to simplify your financial life. We can save your transactions history, balances, and holdings. Wealthica provides a historical view of your net worth over time. This allows you to focus on the big picture and track your progress towards your financial, networth or retirement goals. Track stocks, ETFs and funds, as well as private investments, cryptocurrency, and other investments. You can keep track of your portfolio easily. Wealthica makes it easy and automated. You can create a budget and export it to Google Spreadsheet or Excel. Portfolio, rebalance with Passiv, report capital gains, income, or fees. These are just a few of the Wealthica power-ups. Wealthica is available both as a web app and as a mobile companion app for iOS and Android. Wealthica will ensure that you always have your net worth in hand.