Coin Metrics organizes all of the world's crypto data, making it transparent and easily accessible. CM Network Data Pro provides a data feed that aggregates network data metrics to provide insight and data for the top cryptoassets. ATLAS™, Search is the most reliable and performant blockchain explorer. CM Market Data Feed gives you access to historical and current data from more than 30 of the most prominent spot and derivatives crypto exchanges around the world. All fundamental market-related data types, including tick-by–tick trades and quotes, order book snapshots, candles, orders, and other information. The comprehensive collection of Coin Metrics Bletchley Indexes offers a range of unique cryptoasset benchmarks, including multi-asset and single-asset. CM Reference Rates represent robust, manipulation-resistant prices for hundreds of assets. Institutions can use the services of a calculator agent to create their own methodologies and/or manage their indexes.