cBridge, a multi-chain network, enables instant, low cost and any-value transfers within and between Ethereum's layer-2 chain, Ethereum main chains and in the future, other layers-1s and layer-2 on top. Instant entry and transfer of existing layer2 from/to Ethereum Layer-1 without any delay. Instant liquidity transfer between multiple layer-2 networks on Ethereum. This includes Optimistic Rollups such as Optimism and Arbitrum. Two-way bridging between layer-2 on a blockchain and a completely separate layer-1 blockchain without having to go through the root layer-1. Cross-chain transfer is possible with cBridge v1.0 across all EVM compatible chains, including certain layer-1 chains that are EVM-compatible, as well as sidechains, Optimistic Rollup, ZK Rollup, and other layer-2 scaling solutions.