DisputeFox credit repair software is the next generation. Use the most recent Credit Repair technology to save time and money. No more missing features, slow systems, or difficult client communication. It is important to be able access all your clients and tools from anywhere you are. It can be difficult to manage many clients. Keep track of alerts, notifications, and messages to stay informed. You can import full credit reports in one click, which will save you time and money. A first in the industry - The system includes a phone dialer and SMS features that allow clients to communicate easily. Created custom workflows to automate client follow-ups, onboarding, and marketing drips. DisputeFox comes preloaded with all the dispute letters that you will ever need. You can also create your own. Fully customized and customizable customer and affiliate portals that clients can access to keep them informed about progress. Welcome to the world custom web forms and automated follow-up campaigns.