Model building software for today's machine learning age incorporates credit risk modelling expertise spanning over thirty years. Modeller is a flexible, transparent, interactive, and feature-rich tool that helps organizations get more out of their analytical teams. It allows for a variety of techniques, rapid development of powerful models, full explanation, and advancement of less experienced members of the team.
You can choose from a variety of modeling techniques, including machine-learning, to achieve optimal predictive accuracy, especially when working with complex interrelationships and multicollinearity. At the touch of a button, you can create industry-standard binary and continuous target models. You can use decision tree modeling with CHAID trees and CART. You can choose from logistic regression, elastic network models, survival analysis (Cox PH), random forest, XGBoost and stochastic gradient descend.
SAS, SQL and PMML are all available export options for use in other scoring and decisioning programs.