Voyager is a Laravel Admin Package. It includes BREAD(CRUD), operations, a media manager and a menu builder. Voyager will handle all your administrative tasks so you can concentrate on what you love, which is building the next kick-ass application! Voyager will save you time and make it even more enjoyable to build applications! It can be baked right in, just like a fresh loaf BREAD! Voyager's admin interface lets you create CRUD (Browse. Read, Edit. Add and Delete) functionality for your pages, posts, or any other table in the database. Voyager's media manager is fully functional and allows you to view, edit, delete files from your storage. All files in your application are easily accessible and will live together in one place. Compatible with s3 or local file storage. It is easy to create menus for your website. The menu builder is actually used to create the menu in the voyager admin. Any menu can be edited or deleted.