Your institution is unique. Your BSA/AML software must be unique. Your financial institution and risk profile is unique. You deserve powerful anti-money laundering software to match that. BAM+ adapts to your needs to detect, manage and resolve suspicious financial activity. Do not settle for the standard. Think bigger. Risk profiles are like fingerprints. No two risk profiles are alike. BAM+ can be configured to suit the unique needs of your institution, including customers, tolerance levels, location, and other requirements. You'll be able to detect suspicious activity faster and have it resolved quickly. All the financial crime-fighting power that you need in one place. Our anti-money laundering software makes it easy to manage, streamline, and report on all aspects of your program from one place. BAM+ provides end-to-end case management and scenario analysis, fraud, OFAC screening, watchlist screening, and front-line reporting for questionable activity.