Gisto is a code snippet management tool that runs on GitHub Gists. It adds additional features like searching, tagging and sharing gists, as well as a rich editor. All your data is stored on GitHub. You can access it via GitHub Gists at anytime. Any changes to Gisto will carry over. Gisto includes an open-source monaco editors. Rich code editor that allows you to edit your Gists. Features include syntax highlighting, auto-completion, emmet, and many more. Gists can quickly be found using our search. Filtering by gist description and file names, tag or multiple tag, language, and so on is possible. Gisto allows you to tag Gists using custom tags. This will make it easy to find your Gists. Add a hashtag to the snippet title, and you're done. Later gitsts are easily found by entering hash-tag into a search or using the tag list on dashboard. Gisto was created to fill a gap in the code snippet solution for syntax highlighted and cloud-synchronized code.