Comprehensive security throughout the entire lifecycle of containerized and serverless applications, spanning from the CI/CD pipeline to operational environments, is essential. Aqua can be deployed either on-premises or in the cloud, scaling to meet various needs. The goal is to proactively prevent security incidents and effectively address them when they occur. The Aqua Security Team Nautilus is dedicated to identifying emerging threats and attacks that focus on the cloud-native ecosystem. By investigating new cloud security challenges, we aim to develop innovative strategies and tools that empower organizations to thwart cloud-native attacks. Aqua safeguards applications from the development phase all the way to production, covering VMs, containers, and serverless workloads throughout the technology stack. With the integration of security automation, software can be released and updated at the rapid pace demanded by DevOps practices. Early detection of vulnerabilities and malware allows for swift remediation, ensuring that only secure artifacts advance through the CI/CD pipeline. Furthermore, protecting cloud-native applications involves reducing their potential attack surfaces and identifying vulnerabilities, embedded secrets, and other security concerns during the development process, ultimately fostering a more secure software deployment environment.