OpenFlows WaterCAD is trusted by engineering firms and utilities around the globe as a reliable decision-support tool for their infrastructure. To reduce disruption risks and increase energy efficiency, you can design new water systems or manage existing water networks efficiently. OpenFlows WaterCAD's ease of use makes it easy to plan, design, and manage water distribution systems. You can import almost any data format and leverage it to jumpstart your model, quickly allocate water needs, and automate terrain extraction, node allocation, and other functions. You can compare a wide range of operational, physical, design, water demand, network topologies, and other scenarios. OpenFlows WaterCAD allows you to model in a familiar environment, using CAD capabilities and shortcuts from MicroStation or AutoCAD. OpenFlows WaterCAD can be used as a standalone application for added flexibility. OpenFlows WaterCAD is a subset from OpenFlows WaterGEMS.