Spend less time digging through stacks of papers and more time serving. Your client documents can now be accessible from anywhere. CharityTracker offers more than secure storage—it’s a smart, seamless way to optimize your case management.
CharityTracker is simple to implement and cost-effective. You will love the speed at which you can get up-and-running with CharityTracker’s cloud-based, hosted solution. You’ll have CharityTracker’s beautifully-designed interface operational quickly.
CharityTracker is a cloud-based, HIPAA compliant software that’s easy to use for nonprofits of all sizes. With no setup fees, hidden fees, or contracts, you can cancel anytime! Our time saving solution provides a secure way to streamline how you manage cases, record case notes & assistance, create reports, collaborate, set goals, measure outcomes, make referrals & prove your impact with change-over-time reports for your funders. We're at work in with thousands of communities! Book a free demo. Pricing starts at just $20/mo. user