Crabo lets you access chatGPT in Telegram through a personality-based chatbot that can respond via text or voice. Available 24/7 in multiple languages. ChatGPT is your personal intelligent assistant. Chatbots are a great way to get the most from GPT-3. They offer a lot of features. Over 100+ people use it, including you. It can speak multiple languages and reply in text or voice. Get a quick response in seconds! Crabo can respond to your messages not only in text, but also in voice. Your messages are answered within seconds. You can see how many messages you have sent. In the settings, you can adjust its level of memory. You can use unlimited bandwidth for both text and voice responses. Get quick support for bugs/feedback/suggestions by direct contact. There are tons of features to suit your needs. Crabo has something for everyone, whether you're a nerd or a psychologist, AI enthusiast, linguist, or any other enthusiast.