Best Cemetery Software in Brazil

Find and compare the best Cemetery software in Brazil in 2025

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    Chronicle Reviews



    $20 per month
    1 Rating
    Easy-to-use software for managing your cemetery's records. It offers a visualisation of the space, plots, as well as detailed data. Chronicle was created to assist cemetery managers in building, tracking, managing, organizing, and sharing their community's history using an interactive and accurate mapping. With powerful, intuitive software, you can increase community engagement and simplify the management of your cemetery. No technical knowledge required to visualize your cemetery database and plots. Colour-coded plots indicate status using satellite/drone image overlay. Fly directly to your plot with easy navigation. Chronicle's cemetery management software keeps all documents in one place. Accurate, secure record keeping, storing rich data for every plot. Just a tap to create or edit burial records.
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    Cemetery Workstation Reviews

    Cemetery Workstation

    All Funeral Services

    $5 per month
    A turnkey online solution platform that modernizes the business operations of cemeteries, crematoria, funeral directors, families and vendors. An integrated technology platform specifically designed for cemetery and crematorium operation. Ecosystem for cemeteries and funeral directors, families and vendors. Apps for web and mobile are easy to use on any device. Use anywhere with user-friendly mobile and web apps. Deep customization and enchantments that integrate into your business process. With a single solution to manage all aspects of cemetery information, you can streamline your cemetery operations and take informed decisions. Showcase rich digital records of your burial property to help your prospective buyers quickly find the right option. Allow prospective buyers to send appointment requests from multiple sources to your calendar and receive notifications.
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    EverArk Reviews



    $12 per user per month
    Search faster for cemeteries with Google-like results that include all invoices and plots, as well as records, deals, and activities, linked to contact history. Improved navigation for cemetery contacts to view sales history and account summaries with drill-down detail of plots and invoices. Cemeteries contacts have more quick links to open the most recent plots, invoices and work orders and/or drill down into their logged tasks, meetings and activities. This is the first comprehensive funeral software to offer both plot and burial administration, as well as an ecommerce website for selling plots online. It comes with a social platform that allows loved ones to share stories and memories. EverArk is a mobile memorial garden you can access at any time to cherish the memories of your loved ones.
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    Everspot Reviews



    Everspot is a free, all-in one cemetery software designed by cemetery operators. Everspot includes payment plans, automated commissions, and pre-need trusts, unlike most other cemetery products. Everspot is a great free cemetery software for independent cemeteries.
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    CemSites Reviews
    We know you have many responsibilities when it comes managing multiple cemeteries. Instead of running from one location to the next, you could have all of your cemeteries' information in one place. You can make your job easier! Our software solution will provide you with analytics, performance data, and metrics for each cemetery. You will make better decisions and increase revenue. We know that your investment in a new cemetery is significant and there is a lot riding on it's success. We have helped many new cemeteries accelerate their return-on-investment. We can also help you plan your software implementation while you build your cemetery. Our philosophy is that you should only spend what you actually use. As you grow, you can add modules. We offer a proven, low-cost point of entry package that has been successful and is easy to implement.
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    CemEditor Reviews



    $33.99 one-time payment
    The editor is for individuals who are searching for their ancestry, family history, groups, genealogy, historical societies, cemeteries, or other organizations that wish to organize a cemetery transcription. When it is complete, it will create a searchable database that is very useful. It can also be used to combine and manage all family graveyard pictures into one package. This Cemetery Information Management software can be added to your genealogy and family tree software collections. CemEditor3 software organizes and manages cemetery photos, transcriptions, and other information into a searchable database. It allows you to enter the information on the monuments into the database. The editor allows you to publish information on the CD. Additional utilities can be purchased separately to create web pages, books, or books with images.
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    byondpro Reviews
    byondpro by OpusXenta, is the comprehensive business management solution for cemeteries, crematories, and funeral homes. Purpose-built for the death care industry, byondpro can help cemeteries, crematories, and funeral homes build efficient operations, satisfy compliance, manage financials, and generate revenue. Most importantly, with practical relationship-building tools, byondpro supports can help businesses deliver quality service to the families they serve. Managing your death care business is complex. Get a management solution that is simple and streamlined with byondpro. Who Uses byondpro? byondpro can be used by crematories, funeral homes and cemeteries. byondpro is a solution that caters to all types of businesses, communities, religions, histories, and ownership.
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    byondcloud Reviews
    byondcloud by OpusXenta is a cloud-based software platform designed for cemeteries, crematories, funeral homes, and other death care service providers. This software aims to help these organizations modernize their operations and adapt to the digital world. The platform provides tools to manage bookings and arrangements efficiently. Users can take bookings 24/7, enabling families to begin arrangements remotely at any time. It also allows cemeteries and crematories to provide scheduling information online. This creates opportunities to reach new customers through online search. Other key features include managing care programs, tracking funds and investments, mapping locations, streamlining monument permit processes, distributing proxy vote materials, and coordinating tasks. Additionally, the software centralizes tracking for endowments, trusts, and other investments. Detailed mapping provides interactive visuals to showcase facilities. The monument permit workflows minimize manual efforts. Proxy vote management handles documentation and tabulation automatically. Overall, byondcloud aims to blend traditional services with modern, digital convenience. Who is byondcloud for? byondcloud is used in cemeteries, crematories and
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    CemeteryPro Reviews



    $100 per month
    Cemetery management at your fingertips. The CemeteryIndex software is used by small and large cemeteries to track their records. It also allows them to have a website that allows the public to view those records. Management of cemetery plots, invoicing, mapping down each grave, MonumentPro add-on, and a free link to Cemeteryindex to make your records online. $500 setup fee, $100 access fee, $25 for each additional user. Install on your local computer. Small cemetery (500 burials), medium cemetery (500-6000) is $1,500 and large cemetery (6000+ burials) $2,500.
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    Memory Anchor Reviews

    Memory Anchor

    Memory Anchor

    Your cemetery visitors will love this easy-to-use tool for navigation and interpretation. Navigate the most iconic cemeteries, memorials and monuments in the world. Discover inspiring stories and historic places by taking curated walking tours created by trusted organizations. GPS navigation in real-time, rich biographies, and photos. Live-view mode lets you interact with history.
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    Cemify Reviews


    Coyote Creek Digital

    $599 per year
    Our cemetery software is easy to use right from the beginning. It also includes optional features that can grow with your cemetery. Keep current records of plot ownership, burials, and sales. You can track and report on almost anything because all fields in the system are customizable. To securely store and protect contracts, lot cards, and other documents, scan and attach them to plots. You can quickly visualize the operations of cemeteries with line graph, pie chart and table reports. You can access your maps on mobile phones, tablets and computers, as well as any other device that has an internet connection and a web browser. To create a simple, yet powerful cemetery map, you can customize the plot status names and color-coding. With one central source of information, you can stay in touch with other members of the cemetery team. You can choose and customize the information that you want displayed on the map.
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    The Crypt Keeper Reviews
    This software was originally developed for Liberty Township, Ohio in 1992. The original software was DOS-based and was written in QuickBasic. It used the Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheet app as the mapping utility. However, the very first account came with a caveat. We were also paid to input their records from an old, moldy book with faded ink. It was no easy task and we are well aware of the pain involved in entering records. It was a simple idea that spread quickly via word of mouth, despite having no advertising budget and no internet. Although I don't know the exact number of cemeteries using our online and desktop software, it is estimated that there are hundreds. You can't expect large volumes if you cater to a small church or county cemetery, and you don't market. Our growth has been largely through word of mouth and Google searches.
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    Cemetery Office Suite Reviews
    The Legacy Mark Cemetery Office Management module (COM) is the foundation of the Legacy Mark Cemetery Office Suite. It is the business package designed to meet the needs of every cemetery manager. Since its inception in 1987, we have been working with our expanding customer base to improve its operation and expand its capabilities to better service them. Our Office Management system can handle everything, including scan & attachment, Excel exports, spreadsheet exports and deeds, inventory, locator tool, scheduler, interactive calendar, Windows Word processor & endowment management. Supports Single Workstation and Multi-user Network installations, with integrated security password system and administrator-defined permissions. Legacy Mark CemWeb access only for web-based data vaulting and tech-tips. Program updates, support.
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    The Cemetery Manager Reviews
    TechniServe provides complete cemetery information and an accounting system. This system uses our comprehensive facilities management and computerization software, the Cemetery Manager. Our goal is to help you make your cemetery as efficient and manageable as possible. We can provide you with the best tools to manage your system, including customized cemetery maps, work order tracking tools, and comprehensive burial records and legacy records. The complete integrated system of the Cemetery Manager will meet all your cemetery management requirements. The Cemetery Manager, together with our expert assistance, will be the core of how you manage your cemetery for many years to come.
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    Grave Discover Software Reviews
    There are many years and sometimes even centuries of historical information in cemeteries that documents loved ones; it is important to keep accurate records. Data must be organized and secured. Grave Discover cemetery software allows cemeteries both to keep their records organized and to store and back up their data in reliable cloud servers. Grave Discover software can digitize all cemetery records into an organized and easy-to-use inventory. Our cemetery software features great database management features that allow you to manage burials and occupants, plot owners as well as deeds, grave types, grave location, headstone images, and other details. Our management screens have passed rigorous usability tests to ensure that customers can easily and quickly update their cemetery and grave information. All of this information is stored on our cloud-based servers, which are backed up every day. Your data backups are independent of your computer, unlike many desktop software solutions.
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    CIBIS Reviews
    CIBIS is a package that provides automated support for the administrations of cemeteries, crematoriums, and funeral homes. CIBIS allows you to access your administration online in a private cloud environment. CIBIS supports all aspects of the process, including registration of the deceased through the funeral director, as well as everything related to the viewing, planning and ceremony arrangements, use of hospitality facilities and invoicing, notifications and memorial keepsakes. CIBIS can manage multiple crematoriums, cemeteries, and funeral homes from one place or via multiple locations. CIBIS integrates seamlessly with your financial administration. It offers a wide variety of standard reporting options, which can be extended with custom reports.
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    CemeteryFind Reviews
    This database is easy to use and can be customized to meet your needs with a variety of data fields. Instantly find and update records! Optional public burial record viewing. Your CAD or paper cemetery maps can be seamlessly linked to the burial location and lot owner information for interactive navigation and "map-it". New burials will appear immediately in your cemetery map once they are added. You can view scanned paper records as well as computer files in one easy-to-use records management software. This system is used by funeral homes, office staff, and the general public to search for new burials and availale lot information. Historical records can also be searched. All scanned records can easily be merged with the new CemeteryFind search database, so you don't have to give up any of your old paper records.
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    Scribe Reviews
    Most accounting software is made for businesses that have profit and loss accounts. This means that councils don't need complicated ledgers and can't produce the reports they require to fulfill their statutory obligations. These packages are often difficult to use by councils. Instead, stick with Excel spreadsheets. However, Excel spreadsheets have no audit trail and require time to produce manual reports. Scribe is an accounting package that provides full accounting support. It was specifically designed for parish and town councils. It makes it easy to create compliant council accounts. It can be used for receipts, payments, income and expenditure accounting. Only web-accessible, cloud-based software for town and parish councils. Scribe's Accounting system integrates seamlessly with the booking and cemetery systems, saving time and avoiding errors. You can keep your accounts in compliance with monthly bank reconciliations, 1-click reporting, and fast closing end-of-year and AGAR.
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    Lazarus Cemetery Mapping Reviews
    We will personally visit your cemetery to scan all paper documents, confirm the burial locations and walk through each memorial. We will personally scan your records at your cemetery. We can even transfer the database of your records into our software. GPS mapping that displays open, sold and occupied plots. Searchable anywhere. Photographs of your headstones and memorials.
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    NewCom Cemetery Management System Reviews
    NewCom has the solution for cemeteries looking for the latest technology and power. NewCom's CMS uses GIS (Geographic Information Systems), which is a map-based technology that assists with record and property management. Avoid the pitfalls associated with paper maps and record systems by storing all your records in one easy-to-use software system. NewCom's cemetery management program is easy to use. Click on a plot to see a list of all information for that parcel of land. NewCom's CMS is easy to use. You don't need to be an expert in GIS or map programs. Our software application is intuitive and can perform most functions in real-time without any advanced knowledge.
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    PĂ©rennia Reviews
    Perennia, an integrated cemetery management software, is designed to streamline and simplify management of multiple cemeteries. This system aims to make cemetery management easier and more efficient. Perennia provides powerful tools to manage your cemeteries, lots and interments. It also offers work orders, cremations, billing, and work orders.
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