PoligonSoft offers a suite of advanced simulation software designed to enhance and refine the process of metal casting. This software suite empowers users to anticipate potential defects in the final product.
Key Analysis Features Include:
Fluid Flow during Pouring
Formation of both Large and Microscale Porosity
Stresses that Remain After Solidification
Distortions and Shape Changes
Development of Fractures at Various Temperatures
Fluid Pressures
Erosion of the Mold Material
Our software stands out for its ability to streamline production, reduce material waste, and eliminate the need for repeated designs, thereby ensuring that the production cycle is optimized from the start.
PoligonSoft's analytical capabilities are built upon three fundamental systems: fluid dynamics, heat transfer, and mechanical stresses. These, combined with an array of advanced features, facilitate the simulation of a wide range of casting methods, including specialized techniques.