One of the fastest, most accurate and reliable automated captcha recognition and bypass API providers online. Supports 100,000+ image and text captchas. Also supports FunCaptcha and GeeTest. Cloudflare Turnstile is also supported. Our service is fully incorporated into many major applications. Our clients benefit from a fast and stable API service. We provide premium & professional 24/7 support to our clients. We guarantee 24/7 stability and speed to our web service. We have a 99% success rate on 100,000+ captchas. If your software or application does not offer the option to use Captchas.IO, or if it has no integration support for this service, but supports 2captchas, ripcaptchas, anti-captchas, etc. Then you can use CAPTCHAs.IO within your application or software. Contact support for custom threads or solving requirements.