SOLVESPACE is a GPLv3 parametric 3d CAD software. Modeling 3d parts, drawing with extrudes, revolves, helixes and Boolean (union/difference/intersection) operations. Drawing 2d parts: Draw the part as a single piece and export DXF or PDF. To verify fit, use 3d assembly. Export 3D-printed parts. Preparing CAM data: Export 2d vector art to a waterjet machine, laser cutter, or generate STEP and STL for import into third-party CAM Software for machining. To simulate spatial or planar linkages with pin, ball, and slide joints, you can use the constraint solver. Plane and solid geometry: Replace spreadsheets and hand-solved trigonometry with a live dimensioned draw. You can draw sections with lines, rectangles and datum lines. Sketch circles, arcs of circles, datum circles and cubic Bezier segments.