BscScan, the most popular block explorer for Binance Smart Chains (BSC), is the best. This website hosts more than 1 million monthly users of BSC. It provides access to analytics, search, and API. We are also a Validator of BSC. To help us secure the network, and to earn staking rewards, delegate BNB! BscScan, an independent project, was created around BSC and its community. Its mission is to provide equitable access to blockchain data. Search engine that allows anyone to quickly and easily access a vast amount of BSC data. Externally shared BscScan data, which powers dApps in the ecosystem. To help secure the network and earn staking reward points, delegate BNB. Tools, charts, and dashboards to uncover insights about BSC. Off-chain metadata provides context for blockchain hashes. A separate interface to interact with smart contracts from BSC.