Apache Spark™, a unified analytics engine that can handle large-scale data processing, is available. Apache Spark delivers high performance for streaming and batch data. It uses a state of the art DAG scheduler, query optimizer, as well as a physical execution engine. Spark has over 80 high-level operators, making it easy to create parallel apps. You can also use it interactively via the Scala, Python and R SQL shells. Spark powers a number of libraries, including SQL and DataFrames and MLlib for machine-learning, GraphX and Spark Streaming. These libraries can be combined seamlessly in one application. Spark can run on Hadoop, Apache Mesos and Kubernetes. It can also be used standalone or in the cloud. It can access a variety of data sources. Spark can be run in standalone cluster mode on EC2, Hadoop YARN and Mesos. Access data in HDFS and Alluxio.