$30 per site per month
Contactless tool to collect and analyze real-time customer feedback from restrooms and other locations. A QR code can be used to display a question on a sticker, handout card or poster. Your customer scans the QR code, and votes in one click. Happy customers can go to social media to leave a review. Get AirVote QR smiling faces for your business. Choose the questions you'd like to ask customers. These reports are easy to read and show service trends by location or time. You can forward your maintenance requests if you receive an alert. Optimize maintenance schedules. You can measure the performance of your staff as well as your business. Include customers in your business. You may not know the truth about anonymous feedback. Increase your profits. Airvote customer feedback can help you determine if your client requires additional services. Get more positive reviews on Facebook. Happy customers can send happy customers directly to your review page on social media.