Apache TomEE, pronounced "Tommy", refers to an all-Apache Jakarta EE9.1 certified application server that extends Apache Tomcat. It is built from a vanilla Apache Tomcat zip archive. Start with Apache Tomcat. Next, add your jars and zip up the rest. The end result is Tomcat with EE features, TomEE. Apache TomEE 8.0 is stable and ready to go. It implements Java EE 8/Jakarta EE 8 as well as the javax namespace. Java 8 and higher are required. Mostly Jakarta EE 9.1 web profile compatible and supports the new jakarta domain. Java 11 and higher. Apache TomEE is available in four flavors: web profile, microprofile, plus, and plume. Apache TomEE web profile provides servlets, JSP and JSF, JTA and JPA, CDI as well as bean validation, EJB Lite, and bean validation. Apache TomEE MicroProfile now supports MicroProfile. Apache TomEE Plus, Plume, and Plume now support JMS, JAX WS, and many other features. Mostly Jakarta EE 9.1 Web Profile compatible and supports the new jakarta domain.