Best AI Sales Assistant Software for Mid Size Business

Find and compare the best AI Sales Assistant software for Mid Size Business in 2024

Use the comparison tool below to compare the top AI Sales Assistant software for Mid Size Business on the market. You can filter results by user reviews, pricing, features, platform, region, support options, integrations, and more.

  • 1 Reviews
    Distributors make money by responding to customers instead of proactively selling. When data is lost between channels, distributors don't understand the customer's needs. Distributors lose money because of high travel costs, uncoordinated workflows, and clunky systems. A single pane of glass allows you to see historical and current sales transactions, customer information, product data, and more. Your reps and digital channels can receive tailored product recommendations. Maximize order value and minimize rep-time spent on low-margin activities. Answering the big questions will help you drive real growth. Who will churn What accounts offer growth opportunities? We analyze and collect your product, customer, intent, transaction, and other data. Your reps will be able to sell with insight, efficiency, and scale by breaking down the barriers between channels and creating a complete customer view.
  • 2
    Augment CXM Reviews
    AI-powered business intelligence helps you to enhance your contact center and identify your greatest opportunities to improve customer service efficiency. Our Customer Experience Management platform (CXM), allows you to monitor all digital and voice communications in real-time. It also gives your team practical guidance on how to improve your key KPIs. Augment CXM automatically breaks down conversations into customer intents, products they are discussing, and the outcomes. This gives you insight into every detail. Ever dealt with a flood of customer questions? Augment CXM detects unexpected spikes in customer questions and alerts your team so they can take corrective action before they spiral out-of-control. You can quickly identify which agents are causing problems in your contact center and provide coaching to them on how to improve their customer service.
  • 3
    Revenue Grid Reviews
    Revenue Grid is an AI Guided Selling platform. It provides step-by-step guidance to sales teams towards the best results, deals at highest risk, and actions with the greatest impact. Guided selling, a new concept in B2B sales, focuses on the needs of sales teams. Our goal is to provide step by step guidance on every deal rep has in their pipeline. This will help sales teams be in a better position to win by having full visibility into the sales process, deals, and team activity. Know the status of each deal, what has happened in the past and what is coming up.
  • 4
    CloudApps Reviews
    Businesses can increase their sales results by providing sales leaders with deep insights into deal health. This gives them the tools to drive each rep to quota and takes forecast accuracy to new heights. Our customers have seen an increase in win rates of 20% and average deal sizes by 19%, as well as forecast accuracy of over 95%, thanks to The CloudApps sales accuracy and sales effectiveness platform. How do you do it? You can use AI and behavioral science to track and promote the right sales behavior at the right time. Artificial intelligence and behavioral science are used to help sales executives predict, predict, and improve their sales results. We track sales behaviours to provide deep insight into deal health, determine quality of pipelines, and identify the top performers. We can help you create a data-driven pathway to closing each deal and increase your win rates.
  • 5
    Ciara Reviews
    Ciara is a digital assistant that assists sales professionals worldwide in increasing their productivity and sales calls. It is simple to set up, use and adapt. Ciara was named one of the Top50 Digital Startups Europe by TechCrunch. It offers continuous innovation, superior call guidance and seamless integration with the most popular business apps. Make remote your unfair advantage. This powerful in-call assistant is available for both inside and remote sales teams. It facilitates smooth and productive customer conversations. Ciara is a brand new sales enablement software. It provides smart talking points and relevant information to guide remote customer conversations. Ciara records and transcribes the conversation and creates call summaries that are automatically synced with your CRM system. Both small and large sales teams can use Ciara's transcription and recording capabilities to create call summaries that are automatically synced to their CRM system. Customer interactions with Ciara
  • 6
    Digital Air Strike Reviews

    Digital Air Strike

    Digital Air Strike

    Digital Air Strike allows businesses to engage with consumers online using targeted ads, more 5-star ratings, custom social media marketing and A.I. powered intelligent messaging Digital Air Strike's dedicated staff and award-winning technology provide measurable ROI for 5,000+ businesses around the world. Our award-winning social media marketing, AI-powered intelligent message solutions, AI-powered reputation management, and lead response technology are used by thousands of businesses to connect with customers and sell or service new clients. Digital Air Strike's dedicated team and exclusive partnerships deliver 5-star ratings and measurable ROI. Digital Air Strike partners with you to get 9x more positive reviews. Combine our award-winning review surge technology and social media management to make your company stand out online.
  • 7
    eGain Sales Advisor Reviews
    eGain™, powered by proven, award winning AI reasoning technology, knowledge and contextual offers, makes your sales agents as effective as your best by providing in-band conversational guidance and process guidance. Agents can use eGain Sales Advisor to give advice based on the customer's needs. This is in place of overwhelming them with product information. The solution can be extended to include self-service. It can provide the same assistance and guidance as a human agent when used for customer self-service. The solution also automates follow-up coaching and nurturing with virtual assistant, messaging and notifications. All of this is unified on one platform for consistent and connected experiences that will help close the sale.
  • 8
    Jordan AI Assistant Reviews
    Jordan is an amazing A.I. Assistant that will help your team achieve their sales goals! Our AI integrates with key data to generate insights and predictions that can increase your chances of closing sales. Artificial intelligence is used to optimize and accelerate sales processes. It connects to the database quickly to provide accurate KPIs. This layer can connect voice, image, and generate insights and even predictions about your business. Sales executives are always looking for ways that they can improve their sales results and reach their sales targets. Jordan - A.I. Assistant allows business to use the most advanced artificial intelligence technology to solve the most difficult problems sales organizations face every day. No more manual work, voice commands, or interactions with CRM, eMail, and Calendar. Jordan is here to help with too many fields, complicated interfaces, and lost time.
  • 9
    Mav Reviews
    Mav is an AI assistant for Fintech customer acquisition. Mav can have automated conversations with leads and customers. Not SMS broadcasts, promotional text spam, or one-way alerts. It's a real two-way conversation, with text messages they can actually reply. Fintech customers can have amazing buying experiences. Mav automates conversations with leads and customers. Not SMS broadcasts, promotional text spam, or one-way alerts. It's a real two-way conversation, with text messages they can actually reply. Fintech customers can have amazing buying experiences. It can be difficult to buy financial services online. Customers can easily get lost, confused, or drop off the website. Customers might shop around before submitting an application. They might not have been eligible for a service in the past but would be today. It can be difficult to determine if they are still interested, need more information, or if they have purchased with a competitor.
  • 10
    Nektar Reviews
    Your AI digital assistant that helps you sell better. The best mobile-first sales assistant in the world. Rebuilding the modern sales experience Don't let another sale slip by. Nektar will track who, what and when to follow up so you can focus on closing sales. Receive AI-driven insights, reminders, and alerts about all your leads, opportunities, and tasks. Multi-channel capability to follow up with anyone, anywhere, on any channel. Use Nektar playbooks to quickly coach and ramp up your sales team and new hires. You can customize, implement, and track the sales plays to suit your sales process. Your rules, your plays, with AI at its core. A dash of human expertise! Instead of focusing on reporting on what your salespeople have been doing, focus on helping them sell better. Automate CRM entry and multi-fold CRM adoption. Accelerate revenue growth with real-time CRM updates.
  • 11
    Neo Enterprise Assistant Platform Reviews
    Neo is an AI-powered digital assistant that automates your daily tasks. It can prepare meetings, monitor dashboards, aggregate data and much more. Conversational platform for virtual assistants in the enterprise. Our AI-assistant Neo assists customers and employees in their daily work and interaction using software. Neo can be customized using our conversational platform to work with company-specific tools and workflows. Neo can be used to communicate with users via voice or text. Neo allows you to request information from third-party software and trigger actions. It's like having a conversation between your B2B software systems. Neo Enterprise Assistant Platform makes it easy to extend and customize Neo's functionality and integrations. This allows Neo to be tailored to meet individual requirements.
  • 12
    CoPilot AI Reviews
    CoPilot AI makes it easy for you to connect with high-value leads via LinkedIn. You can easily create a lead generation funnel that runs by itself. Our software automates outreach to your target audience and our AI engages prospects, creating multiple touch points until they are ready to talk. Your dream customer list can be found and built. CoPilot AI gives you the power of LinkedIn Sales Navigator with thousands of data points including industry, geography, job title, and company size. Your prospects will be delighted by your personal, value-driven outreach. Our industry-leading templates are available to you and your dedicated Account Strategist will help you create messages that spark joy in your recipients. Double the impact of what's working in your business. Our Smart Inbox will notify you when a prospect is interested. It uses AI to identify and prioritize leads that will help your business grow.
  • 13 Reviews
    Automate the creation of powerful sales campaigns without any guesswork. REGIE is an advanced software that combines the science of delivery and the art of language to create, test, analyze, and optimize personalized prospecting emails. REGIE automatically creates prospecting emails with the tone and messaging that is most effective for your prospect's persona. REGIE will then tell you when to send your emails, so you can convert more of your prospecting activity into qualified leads. The future of sales enablement is here! You'll have the content and structures you need in order to launch multi-touch, impactful sales campaigns right from your sales engagement platform. REGIE will make it easy for you to focus on what you should say, when to reach out, and how to get prospects to respond.
  • 14
    Rene' Reviews
    Rene' allows you to focus on what is most important - building relationships. Rene' saves you time, provides the information you need when you need it, changes the way that you work, and makes it easier to focus on what really matters - building relationships. Your Productivity Assistant, Rene' Rene' acts as your personal assistant, sitting on top of all your business communications. Rene' cleverly combines task sharing and task sharing with chat capability. Rene' allows you to share living entities that can be synchronized across teams. This eliminates internal frictions and increases productivity. Everything you need about your Deals is automatically curated by Rene'. Relationship milestones, action items from emails, chats and meeting notes, call transcripts, topics for interaction, sentiment analysis, dealfading. We are B2B professionals who have worked with many prospects and know how important it can be to understand their management priorities, pain points and risks to help them make a winning pitch.
  • 15
    Strise Reviews
    All your sales and compliance processes can be managed from one platform. Strise is a technology company that uses AI to supercharge business-to-business processes. Our platform offers companies and teams a complete online-suite that can be used to increase growth and decrease risk. One platform allows you to manage due diligence, KYC, AML, and other processes. Automated audit reports can be generated to reduce time and improve quality. Automate prospecting and increase revenue with sales data enrichment. Our account-based opportunity profiling allows you to spend less time researching prospects and increase conversions for your sales numbers. Strise allows teams to track, tag and assign companies so they can stay connected and collaborate seamlessly. A new way to connect teams and processes that allows for a huge productivity boost through seamless process-to–process transferability.
  • 16
    Vizerto Reviews
    An enterprise digital assistant and expertise multiplier for B2B vendors. Get faster and more credible answers to customer questions. Vizerto is your AI Sales Engineer at Scale. It provides quick answers to your sales questions, no matter how urgent they are. Vizerto can answer any question you have about products, customer references or compatibility. Vizerto AI and its expert network will always provide a quality answer. Ask questions, get instant advice or submit to experts. You can also take advantage of Vizerto recommendations and be notified when answers are available. Ask Vizerto in slack like you're talking to an expert and receive 1:1 answers. To get the best answers, use simple to understand interactive components. Instead of sending emails to Technical Expert Email Alias from sales team members, send to Vizerto to get instant answers.
  • 17
    Amplemarket Reviews
    Amplemarket is the one-stop sales platform. Amplemarket can help you increase your sales team's productivity and revenue by providing everything you need, from lead generation to personalized multichannel outreach and smart actions. Amplemarket can help you supercharge your sales team. Amplemarket has proven to be a reliable platform that can handle all tasks. Instead of spending time and money on unintegrated tools, our customers know they can trust Amplemarket. Let us help you find your next customer and get in touch with them in the most efficient and personal way. Amplemarket can help you sell more and better. Amplemarket manages everything, from lead generation to qualification and email outreach, so you can concentrate on what really matters: selling. Filters such as job title, location, technology stack, and many others can help you find the right prospects. You can create multiple customer profiles and A/B-test different target audiences.
  • 18
    Zoovu Reviews
    Engage, educate and empower customers through the conversion of search queries into meaningful, contextual conversations that provide value. Zoovu, an omnichannel AI-powered digital commerce platform, is built on deep knowledge and nuanced meanings. It helps businesses connect with customers wherever they may be - and turn those conversations into meaningful action. With seamless integration, deliver exceptional customer experiences across all channels. Integrate conversational commerce into your customer journey via webshops, channel partners and chatbots. Ask your customers the right questions based on their context, needs, and preferences. You can easily create and customize dynamic conversations within the platform. Zoovu allows you to automatically transform product properties into customer needs and wants, while highlighting product's value.
  • 19
    Zoho Zia Reviews
    Meet Zia, your AI-powered assistant. Zia is a great assistant for any job, whether it's collecting customer data, creating a document, or looking for sales numbers. Zia can generate reports for your company. Zia can create a bar chart by simply asking you to write, "show me support tickets for channel this month," Ask Zia to create a chart or pivot table next time you look at a spreadsheet. Natural language processing is used to help you understand what you are looking for. Zia can read the content and sentiment of support tickets. Each support ticket is tagged by Zia as it arrives so that it reaches the right person. Zia can detect trends and alert you when it happens. Zia will show you every email, support request or deal with a customer, as well as every chat, presentation or document they are mentioned in. You can reply to the messages or update the search results.
  • 20
    SalesKen Reviews
    Salesken helps companies reap the benefits of the "Science of Sales". Based on customer conversations, you can see which leads are most likely to convert. Your sales team will be able to use real-time cues and contextual cues to close every deal. Make sure that every salesperson follows your winning strategy. Get insight into the strengths and weaknesses of your team. Leverage real-time cues during your conversations. Analytics and diagnostics can help you improve every day. Based on real customer conversations, get an X-Ray of the pipeline. Reps can use these conversations to get real-time talking points and advanced analytics after the call. Affordable pricing plans, pay-as-you go and integrations with all your favorite tools.
  • 21 Reviews
    Automate complex cases and create powerful experiences. Automate up to 80% written conversations Reduce repetitive requests by your support agents. You can respond to every customer immediately and in all 100+ languages. Integrating AI into your CRM workflows allows you to automatically manage contacts, and execute actions. Automate customer service and free your agents. Automate up to 80% repetitive inquiries and provide 24/7 multilingual customer service. Easy to build and manage your chatbot. Automate up to 80 percent of repetitive support requests. Your agents can focus on more valuable work. 60% of agents' time is spent looking through backend systems. Connect your APIs to your agents and instantly retrieve customer details such as delivery times, product specifications, and password resets. can be integrated into your existing CRM.
  • 22
    Aktify Reviews
    Aktify's virtual agents can clone your sales team without the need for additional staff. Aktify can handle unresponsive leads (which may be overlooked in the past) at scale and bring ready-to talk customers to your sales team's door. It's not another SMS chatbot. This SMS AI can understand context, colloquial styles, intents, and other details. Her messages sound and look like they come from a real person. Your leads will receive personalized, real-time responses. Your SMS AI agent interprets a lead's response and takes the appropriate next steps. No human input required. Aktify's AI agent creates multiple touchpoints. She is more assertive than a human rep, and only as persistent in her work as she was programmed to be. Your virtual agent can handle thousands of simultaneous conversations. She can handle as much lead volume and as many conversations as you can.
  • 23 Reviews
    Alanna is a virtual assistant for title companies. She is resourceful, smart, and always willing to help. You can get answers to general questions or specific questions 24/7/365. Opens new orders in ResWare and SoftPro production systems 24/7. Creates buyer/seller net sheets and estimates closing costs 24/7. Collects and processes buyer/seller information. Proactively sends texts to all parties to the transaction. Mass text message marketing campaigns are empowered for client retention, new business, and marketing after closing. As your brand ambassador, guides consumers through the title process. Alanna is an integral member of your client-service staff. You can personalize Alanna's look and style to reflect your business. Even the most reputable title agency cannot answer every client request within seconds. Alanna can and will handle file-based or general inquiries via text or chat.
  • 24
    Chipbrain Reviews
    Digital brains combine intelligence with state-of the-art EQ. You can eliminate the guesswork involved in reading conversational cues. Our emotion recognition machine-learning models can identify the emotional state and tone of voice of your customers based on their writing, facial expressions, and tone of voice. Our AI can identify your emotional strengths and weaknesses, allowing you to communicate with customers in a flexible way. Our AI learns from every conversation with every member of your team. Our technology explains what top salespeople do in conversations that make them stand out and then teaches it to the rest. No more wondering why the client changed their mind. Our AI can identify key points in conversations and tell you exactly what you did wrong or right.
  • 25
    bluecap Reviews
    Automated summaries and tasks can be seamlessly integrated into your collaboration or productivity suites. Augmented analytics provides actionable insights that improve engagement and sentiment. Automate competitive intelligence and take prescriptive steps to stay ahead of your competition. We interpret ML models' predictions, analyze their behavior, and optimize them. While ethical considerations are taken into account, bluecap™, a pioneer in encryption technology, encrypts data as it is being processed. You can collaborate with anyone, while keeping your sensitive and public data confidential.