View3dscene is a viewer that supports many 3D model formats, including glTF and X3D. Explore the virtual world with collisions and gravity, animations sensors, shadows mirrors, shaders, reflections, and more. All models can be converted to X3D. You can also run the view3dscene executable from the CGE bin subdirectory if you already have Castle Game Engine. You don't need to download it separately. You can open all 3D and 2D models supported by Castle Game Engine, including X3D VRML, Collada MD3, Wavefront OBJ and Spine JSON. There are many navigation modes. You can examine (rotate and move the entire model), walk (walk like FPS games with collision detection, gravity, and related features), and fly (similar to Walk, but without gravity), 2D. You can convert between X3D Classic and XML encodings in both directions, and from VRML 2 and X3D.