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LinkedIn Description

Welcome to your professional network. Find the perfect job or internship. LinkedIn is the largest professional social network in the world. LinkedIn connects professionals around the globe to help them be more productive and more successful. LinkedIn is the largest professional network in the world, with 756 million members, including executives from every Fortune 500 firm. LinkedIn has a diverse business model, with revenue coming from Talent Solutions as well as Marketing Solutions and Premium Subscriptions. LinkedIn is headquartered in Silicon Valley and has offices around the world.


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Reviews - 46 Verified Reviews


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United States


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Product Details

Type of Training
Customer Support

LinkedIn Features and Options

Social Networking Software

Activity / News Feed
Advertising Management
Data Security
Event Management
Group Management
Media Library
Privacy Options
Real-time Chat
Social Media Integration
Social Media Tagging
User Profiles

Social Media Advertising Platform

Ad Buying
Ad Creation
Bulk Advertising
Campaign Management
Collaboration Tools
Comment / Reply Moderation
Digital Asset Management
Reporting / Analytics
Roles / Permissions
  • Name: Carlos M.
    Job Title: Software Engineer
    Length of product use: 1-2 Years
    Used How Often?: Daily
    Role: User
    Organization Size: 500 - 999
    Likelihood to Recommend to Others
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    Satisfactory experience of connectivity with people close to my company.

    Date: Nov 16 2022

    Summary: Despite the consumption of LinkedIn within browsers and quite high, which directly affects the user experience, I still consider that this social network is quite complete and that it helps a lot to develop and develop a good business environment, I loved it very much and social, I consider that it has allowed me to connect with various people who come to my business circle, in addition, making these connections has given me many business opportunities, obtaining various services thanks to those connections. I really enjoyed the experience gained, I consider that LinkedIn has been a fairly easy-to-use social network, it has allowed me to modify my entire profile in a simple way, in addition, I have been able to conceive my social circle thanks to the connection service, in which that I can connect with the people who are closest to my work environment. I hope to continue using this platform with many more years within my financial services company, since I have been able to connect with various companies interested in my services, and also with new clients, this social network has allowed me to expand the services of our company.

    Positive: LinkedIn is a very complete social network, which is capable of offering you different tools to be able to work with my work team and connect with new people close to my business circle. One of the main things I liked about this social network is how complete it is when it comes to creating posts and commenting, this platform allows me to create posts with a large character limit, this helps me create very comprehensive posts with the content is quite extensive, in addition, it also allows me to add various images or videos to complement my publication. I really loved the statistics session in which I can know exactly the reach that each publication I have made has had, I can check the reach with respect to the public obtained thanks to each publication made on my profile. Another of the things that I liked about this social network is that it allows me to create a fairly complete profile, in which I can find different attitudes, former employees, the education that I have had over the years, the courses that I have taken, the companies, organizations that I have created and many more things, it also allows me to add the charitable causes in which I have participated, I really feel very satisfied with having completed my profile is brutality and having created a profile that serves as a resume when applying for some job.

    Negative: One of the main things that would improve within this platform is the self-consumption that it has on the various computers, it is important to highlight that the consumption of the mobile phone application is really minimal, it does not have a high consumption, but when opening this social network within of each browser, the consumption is quite high, causing the social network It takes a long time to load correctly, it also takes a long time to load new posts from my home page, I consider that the consumption within each browser should be much more minimal to achieve open social network easily. In addition, another of the negative things about this social network is that it is used in the free version, you will not be able to know which people have viewed your profile, this is a quite necessary mechanism or function for new users, I consider that Any user would like to know who is checking their profile, I think this feature should be free.

  • Name: Anonymous (Verified)
    Job Title: Principal Consultant
    Length of product use: 2+ Years
    Used How Often?: Daily
    Role: User
    Organization Size: 1 - 25
    Likelihood to Recommend to Others
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    Great Networking App for CPAs

    Date: Mar 19 2022

    Summary: Overall, as long as you stay away from the paid plans, LinkedIn is a pretty solid resource for networking.

    Positive: LinkedIn is the only social media site I still use due to its commitment to being a professional site for professional users.

    Negative: Pricing on paid plans is pretty outrageous given the benefits.

  • Name: Anonymous (Verified)
    Job Title: Founder
    Length of product use: 2+ Years
    Used How Often?: Weekly
    Role: User, Administrator, Deployment
    Organization Size: 1 - 25
    Likelihood to Recommend to Others
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    Great networking app

    Date: Mar 05 2022

    Summary: Really enjoy the business connections made on the app. I plan to continue using the app and growing my contacts in the future.

    Positive: It's a great app to network and find business contacts within your industry. I also really enjoy the video and written content from industry leaders.

    Negative: It takes a little while to set up your page with all the relevant content, but once you get a hang of it, it's pretty straight forward.

  • Name: Anonymous (Verified)
    Job Title: Recruiting Coordinator
    Length of product use: 2+ Years
    Used How Often?: Daily
    Role: User
    Organization Size: 100 - 499
    Likelihood to Recommend to Others
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    Super helpful when sourcing

    Date: Jan 20 2022

    Summary: Overall a decent platform for finding a lot of good talent. Integrates with Greenhouse easily and makes sourcing effective.

    Positive: Everyone's information is right there and easy to view. Easy to navigate and super useful for technical talent and sourcing. Running Boolean searches on LinkedIn is intuitive and usually results in top tier talent.

    Negative: Sometimes the activity feed can be hard to find. Only a fraction of the talent out there keeps their profile up to date.

  • Name: Meenakshi S.
    Job Title: React Dev
    Length of product use: 2+ Years
    Used How Often?: Daily
    Role: User
    Organization Size: 100 - 499
    Likelihood to Recommend to Others
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    Largest job searching platform.

    Date: Jan 14 2022

    Summary: Overall, LinkedIn is the largest job searching platform which helps in connecting professionals. The application is productive and seamless to use.

    Positive: - LinkedIn is the best site to connect with recruiter and search jobs.
    - It allows filtering the jobs according to the user's profile.
    - The user interface is clean and smooth to use like any other social media application.
    - The push notification helps in staying updated with the jobs and applications.
    - Almost every company and professionals are present on the platform, which gives the user's opportunity to connect with anyone.

    Negative: - The easy apply feature sometimes redirects to the company's website instead of applying directly through the application.

  • Name: Samantha H.
    Job Title: Digital Marketing Specialist
    Length of product use: 2+ Years
    Used How Often?: Weekly
    Role: User
    Organization Size: 1 - 25
    Likelihood to Recommend to Others
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    Great connection resource

    Date: Dec 27 2021

    Summary: Overall, the best online resource to job search and learn more about the industry you may want to work within.

    Positive: A comprehensive resource to job search, build my own professional online presence, and connect with other professionals in my field.

    Negative: Paying for premium and not being able to gain the perks without it.

  • Name: Deepak K.
    Job Title: Student
    Length of product use: 6-12 Months
    Used How Often?: Daily
    Role: User
    Organization Size: 1,000 - 4,999
    Likelihood to Recommend to Others
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    Best for job opportunities

    Date: Sep 24 2021

    Summary: LinkedIn Job Search I would recommend to every fresher looking for an Internship or job, also to the experienced candidate t search for employment as per their experience. Not just me, every person is looking for a job. LinkedIn job search solves their problem to search for the right job as per the need for salary, designation, location, company, and many more.

    Positive: It was easy to look for suitable jobs to your skills, educational attainment, and past work experience. Easy to access and look for employers and companies that you can apply. You can look based on the salary that you want as well.

    Negative: I Like LinkedIn Job search there is nothing that I dislike about LinkedIn Job Search its free to use and very useful for anyone looking job.

  • Name: Ruth Ann M.
    Job Title: Executive Director
    Length of product use: 2+ Years
    Used How Often?: Daily
    Role: User
    Organization Size: 1 - 25
    Likelihood to Recommend to Others
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    Invaluable resource

    Date: Aug 20 2021

    Summary: LinkedIn is an invaluable resource for connecting with others. I use it weekly to digest and share information, monitor the local job market, prep for meetings, and source ideas.

    Positive: Easy to find and connect with colleagues, newsfeed is informative and tailored to my professional interests.

    Negative: Posting a job could be a bit smooth, some of the suggestions aren't as accurate as they could be.

  • Name: Anonymous (Verified)
    Job Title: Financial controller
    Length of product use: 6-12 Months
    Used How Often?: Daily
    Role: User
    Organization Size: 500 - 999
    Likelihood to Recommend to Others
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    Magnificent for job search and professional networking.

    Date: Jun 30 2021

    Summary: Suitable with networking.
    Learn new courses at ease.
    Great with onboarding.
    Superb and very responsive customer support.

    Positive: Easy to connect with proffessionals.
    Intuitive user interface.
    Reliable to learn online with many opportunities available.
    Superb customer support.

    Negative: Great for online learning with many opportunities available.

  • Name: Zuveria H.
    Job Title: DevOps Engineer
    Length of product use: 2+ Years
    Used How Often?: Daily
    Role: User
    Organization Size: 500 - 999
    Likelihood to Recommend to Others
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    Best Job searching platform.

    Edited: Jun 28 2021

    Summary: Overall, LinkedIn is a great platform to find a job anywhere. Anyone can make an account and make his portfolio and start connecting to other people.

    Positive: 1. Anyone can easily and comfortably find his desirable job on this platform.
    2. It is quite easy to contact the HR of any company on LinkedIn.

    Negative: 1. They should add quick apply button jobs to make the job seekers task easy.

  • Name: Anonymous (Verified)
    Job Title: Sales
    Length of product use: 2+ Years
    Used How Often?: Daily
    Role: User
    Organization Size: 1,000 - 4,999
    Likelihood to Recommend to Others
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    Must have for networking

    Date: Jun 13 2021

    Summary: Overall, I think that LinkedIn is a phenomenal software. I probably use it every day to prospect into new accounts and people, and for checking in on business associates. Definitely recommend.

    Positive: I love that there is a lot of organic engagement with your posts. It is really simple to find people of similar industries and backgrounds.

    Negative: There has been a couple of instances of people getting booted off without reasons behind it, or notice, so something to keep in mind.

  • Name: Anonymous (Verified)
    Job Title: Student
    Length of product use: 1-2 Years
    Used How Often?: Weekly
    Role: User
    Organization Size: 1,000 - 4,999
    Likelihood to Recommend to Others
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    Best app for recruiters and job-seekers

    Date: May 11 2021

    Summary: LinkedIn is an amazing platform if you know how to tread well. From showcasing your stellar portfolio to attract clients, to quick job applications and networking with the big names in the industry, it is certainly a platform anybody can utilize.

    Positive: LinkedIn is a great platform to connect with employers who might be looking to recruit. It provides an easy way for job-seekers to network with potential employers, build a connection with them, or land a job. With the posting and blogging features in the profile, aspirants can easily showcase their portfolio and knowledge. It also allows organizations to post job offers and keep track of the applicants. LinkedIn Learning is another useful feature for both employers and employees to build their skillset. I also love the automatic resume builder, which is very helpful. The one-click feature for applying to jobs also provides for a very user-friendly experience.

    Negative: Since its expansion, LinkedIn has become a hub for potential frauds as well. There is no screeners for jobs it seems, as mass recruiting happens for unprofessional looking organizations. Many recruiters also exploit job-seekers by offering them 'internships' without any pay or compensation.

  • Name: Karla G.
    Job Title: Marketing Specialist
    Length of product use: 2+ Years
    Used How Often?: Daily
    Role: User
    Organization Size: 1,000 - 4,999
    Likelihood to Recommend to Others
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    An effective platform for the curriculum and companies

    Date: Feb 23 2021

    Summary: I used LinkedIn to look for the job and get the position I currently have. It has helped me to have a good work profile and in addition to getting good contacts to help me get a better job. I currently use LinkedIn as a social network with my work teams, improving my work status and maintaining relationships with clients.

    Positive: I like that other people can certify my skills and leave me comments about the work I have done, this helps me a lot to position myself and find a job faster. I can add with details where I work, the company, time of the job, what I did and I can also share that information with my connections. I like the idea of ​​knowing who visited me, this helps to improve my profile to obtain potential clients or employers.

    Negative: I don't like that I have a public activity, I should be able to select who can see my posts, likes and shared posts. Sometimes I want to find work colleagues and no logo found since they appear as "LinkedIn Member" that function is a bit annoying. The LinkedIn chat should not open the messages when I open it, I just want to know who is online to see if I can communicate with the person concerned, I do not want them to open automatically.

  • Name: Anonymous (Verified)
    Job Title: Financial Advisor
    Length of product use: 1-2 Years
    Used How Often?: Daily
    Role: User
    Organization Size: 100 - 499
    Likelihood to Recommend to Others
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    Dynamic,robust and powerful with job search and online learning.

    Date: Feb 23 2021

    Summary: Easy to apply for jobs directly from LinkedIn.
    Powerful search button which is very reliable with locations.
    Faster to connect with colleagues.

    Positive: Easy to learn online with so many courses offered my LinkedIn.
    Fastest and easiest to search for jobs from anywhere.
    Easy to advertise the product for the business.

    Negative: Great and most convenient site with job advertisement.

  • Name: Anonymous (Verified)
    Job Title: Financial Analyst
    Length of product use: 1-2 Years
    Used How Often?: Weekly
    Role: User
    Organization Size: 100 - 499
    Likelihood to Recommend to Others
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    So outstanding and reliable with job interviews.

    Date: Feb 18 2021

    Summary: Ease of use.
    Very nice and intuitive with course building.
    Superb with searching for jobs.
    Nice customer support.

    Positive: Very extensive and useful with interviews.
    Easy to create an account.
    Excellent with course building.
    Ease of use.

    Negative: Very consistent with course building and ease of use.