Clearbit Description

Data to power your entire company. Clearbit is your marketing data engine for all customer interactions. Get to know your customers and identify potential prospects. Personalize every sales and marketing interaction. Our proprietary real-time lookups provide accurate, fresh data. You can then immediately act on any new information with sales alerts and job change notifications. You can access company information such as employee count, technology used, industry classification, and employee details such as role, seniority, job change notifications, right from your computer. Our machine learning algorithms and our data set will give you all the information you need in order to convert leads and grow your company. You can get the right data straight into the tools that you already use. Clearbit was built from the ground up to seamlessly integrate into your existing stack. This will provide seamless data across sales, marketing, analytics, and other departments.


Yes, Clearbit has an API

Reviews - 5 Verified Reviews


Company Details

Year Founded:
United States


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Clearbit Features and Options

Sales Intelligence Software

CRM Integration
Data Cleaning
Data Enrichment
Data Import/Export
Data Mining
Data Verification
Email Integration
Lead Scoring
List Building
Performance Management
Pipeline Management
Predictive Modeling/Analytics
Prospecting Tools
Sales Forecasting

Lead Management Software

Activity Tracking
Campaign Management
Lead Capture
Lead Distribution
Lead Nurturing
Lead Scoring
Lead Segmentation
Pipeline Management
Prospecting Tools
Source Tracking

Personalization Software

A/B Testing
Abandoned Cart Saver
Account Based Marketing
Behavioral Targeting
Campaign Segmentation
Content Analytics
Contextual Targeting
Customer Profiles
Experience Management
Recommendation Engine
Website Personalization

Sales Force Automation Software

Call Management
Campaign Management
Channel Management
Commission Management
Contact Management
Contract Management
Customer Database
Email Marketing
Field Sales Management
Lead Management
Opportunity Management
Performance Metrics
Proposal Generation
Referral Tracking
Sales Forecasting
Territory Management

Sales Engagement Software

CRM Integration
Call Scripts / Call Steps
Email Sequences
Email Tracking / Automation
Lead Management
Reporting / Analytics
Sales / Voice Dialer
Sales Automation
Task Management
Workflow Management

Buyer Intent Data Tool

B2B Lead Generation
CRM Integration
Channel Attribution
Competitor Analysis
Content Marketing
Customer Journey Mapping
Customer Profiles
Intent Data
Lead Notifications
Lead Scoring

Retargeting Software

A/B Testing
Audience Targeting
Behavioral Targeting
Conversion Tracking
Geo Targeting
Mobile Retargeting
Recommendation Engine
Social Media Retargeting

B2B Data Provider

B2B Contact Data
B2B Intent Data
B2B Leads Data
B2B Marketing Data
Business Ownership Data
Company Data
Employee Data
Firmographic Data
Job Posting Data
Salary Data
Technographic Data

Clearbit Lists

Clearbit User Reviews

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  • Name: Ross G.
    Job Title: Senior Account Manager
    Length of product use: 2+ Years
    Used How Often?: Weekly
    Role: User
    Organization Size: 1,000 - 4,999
    Likelihood to Recommend to Others
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    A game-changing solution for prospecting

    Date: Apr 24 2021

    Summary: Our marketing management has been optimized, and this has paid off in a streamlined workflow, acquisition of new leads, and a substantial increase in sales. Clearbit has become an indispensable resource for marketing and sales management in our organization, generating more customers and opportunities while saving time. It facilitates marketing management, prospecting, and obtaining effective results reflected in sales while saving valuable time for other activities; I can't recommend it enough.

    Positive: I like Clearbit's ease of use combined with its navigability and proper integration with other tools to take full advantage of its benefits within a sample organization's marketing and sales departments. Its features, functions, and analytics have helped our marketing team collaborate with our salespeople to map out the best business routes and reach the most influential customers.

    Negative: The contact information provided by this resource has been inaccurate at times.

  • Name: Michael W.
    Job Title: Technical Support Manager
    Length of product use: 6-12 Months
    Used How Often?: Weekly
    Role: User
    Organization Size: 100 - 499
    Likelihood to Recommend to Others
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    Clearbit helps us to determine contact information behind an email

    Date: Mar 30 2021

    Summary: In general terms the application is very simple and does not have a major weight since it is a Chrome extension, although it has flaws in the display of information at times, it is a good tool to determine data such as company names, phone numbers, locations and more. Overall Clearbit is a good software.

    Positive: The application offers us a complete detail of contact information through a list of emails specifying data such as full name, company address and position held in the same. Also for recruitment efforts it has government surveillance data to verify their background.

    Negative: The process of providing the documentation of any contact is simple unless it is a person who knows how to hide his information very well, that is to say, it is not completely infallible. Also, in some situations the platform becomes confusing to distribute all the information when working with larger lists.

  • Name: Rodrigo V.
    Job Title: Chief Marketing Strategist
    Length of product use: 1-2 Years
    Used How Often?: Weekly
    Role: User
    Organization Size: 100 - 499
    Likelihood to Recommend to Others
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    Clearbit is an excellent initiative to find employees based on e-mails

    Date: Mar 21 2021

    Summary: Although it may seem an insecure service, it is completely safe and legal, since all the information it collects on the web about natural or legal persons is that which is published, which seems quite smart in legal terminology. Clearbit is a very useful service when looking for potential clients.

    Positive: Clearbit works as follows: it is a kind of filter in which you can get all kinds of contact data from an email. It is a good acquisition in the search of customers for specific products or services, mostly because it purges all those who do not meet certain characteristics chosen at the time of reviewing the mails.

    Negative: With Clearbit's system you cannot segment or group emails from people whose results are not the ones you need, but that you do not want to discard in order to use them in the future. Its API does not integrate with rental listing services, so it is not possible to get much information about individuals who are going to move into a property.

  • Name: Anonymous (Verified)
    Job Title: Manager
    Length of product use: 1-2 Years
    Used How Often?: Weekly
    Role: User
    Organization Size: 100 - 499
    Likelihood to Recommend to Others
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    Powerful Lead management tool

    Date: Aug 24 2020

    Summary: Clearbit is a very handy tool to drive conversion. It offers a robust platform to capture leads. It provides an effortless way to convert the lead into customers. I highly recommend this tool.

    Positive: Clearbit is a Robust and Versatile Lead management tool. It offers an easily manageable platform. Helps to capture leads and convert to customers. Superb user interface.

    Negative: It worked great for me. Nothing to share about cons.

  • Name: Jason C.
    Job Title: Product Design Lead
    Length of product use: 1-2 Years
    Used How Often?: Weekly
    Role: User
    Organization Size: 26 - 99
    Likelihood to Recommend to Others
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    Clearbit helps us to determine contact information behind an email

    Date: Mar 31 2021

    Summary: The application may have failures in some occasions but the incidences have been minimal, so we fully recommend this tool to expand our business opportunities, determining who are our potential customers and establish immediate contact with them with the help of the information previously provided by Clearbit to generate a sense of closeness.

    Positive: This application has helped us a lot in terms of customer information, as it has tools to capture information to whom we offer our services via email. At the same time, it helps us to determine company information detailing location, economic activity and telephone numbers.

    Negative: The application has presented us with programming failures when the information we extract from a client is very extensive, the words are scattered around the tray and make it impossible to read. Similarly, sometimes the application does not show any information about the contacts, even if they have the fields remain blank.