You can increase your Platypus rewards without worrying about withdrawal penalties or capital allocation. Deposit to earn more. Transform your PTP to a yield-bearing asset. Lock ECD at Echidna to earn a high APR as well as 40% of Echidna’s fees. Platypus' voting gauge gives you additional incentives for stablecoin protocols that are competing for emissions. Omniscia, Platypus Finance auditors, has audited Echidna. Echidna delivered 2% of total supply to vePTP holder before our protocol launch. To earn 19.61% APR, convert PTP. Deposit your PTP at Echidna to increase your earning power. Staked PTP is highly profitable, but it is also unproductive and illiquid. It also exposes LPs the volatility of PTP's prices. These conditions are not favorable to stablecoin farmers, who are often risk-averse, or to new users who cannot obtain PTP cost-effectively. Echidna eliminates the drawbacks of boosted agriculture by allowing LPs access to our vePTP.