Our retention solutions can help you increase audience growth, reclaim abandoned revenues, and reactivate audiences that have lapsed across all channels.
What if Jane Doe logs in to your email list from her desk at work, but then she goes on her mobile phone and visits your website that evening. She adds your products to her cart but doesn't buy. Jane's anonymous phone means that you have no way of sending Jane an abandoned cart flow. This (and other segments of unidentified abandoners) can generate up to 10x additional revenue that is now lost.
Retention.com's Reclaim allows you to leverage industry-leading Identity Resolution technology in order to increase your Browse Product and Cart Abandonment SMS revenue and Email flow revenue up to 10x. Implementation takes only hours and not months. Onboarding is fast and easy. There are no managed services you don't require. Just the technology that you want to instantly scale up your abandonment flows for provable, "set-it-and-forget-it" ROI.