You can save time and concentrate on the documentation of your project. Simply create docs or blog posts using Markdown/MDX. Docusaurus will publish a collection of static HTML files that you can use. MDX allows you to embed JSX components in your Markdown. React allows you to extend or customize the layout of your project. Docusaurus can also be extended by using the same header or footer. Localization comes pre-configured. Crowdin can translate your documents into more than 70 languages. All versions of your project can be supported by Crowdin users. Document versioning allows you to keep documentation up-to-date with new releases. Your documentation should make it easy for your community members to find the information they need. Algolia documentation search is supported by us. It is costly to build a custom tech stack. Instead, you should be focusing on your content and writing Markdown files. Docusaurus is a static site generator. It creates a single-page application using fast client-side navigation.