Best Voicemail Apps in India

Find and compare the best Voicemail apps in India in 2025

Use the comparison tool below to compare the top Voicemail apps in India on the market. You can filter results by user reviews, pricing, features, platform, region, support options, integrations, and more.

  • 1
    Cellcom Visual Voicemail Reviews
    This app is regularly updated to ensure stability, security, and reliability. Cellcom Visual Voicemail doesn't require you to call in or listen in to voicemail messages in a specific order. Instead, you'll see a list with all your voicemail messages on Android. You can choose which order you want to play, call back or forward, and then delete any of them. You can quickly find the most important messages and delete unimportant messages without ever hearing them. Cellcom's Visual Voicemail App sends SMS messages to voicemail servers. Cellcom customers do not pay for outgoing SMS messages. Voicemail messages can be answered by calling back or sending a text message. Play, pause, rewind, and fast-forward messages.
  • 2
    Epic Voicemails Reviews

    Epic Voicemails

    Epic Voicemails

    Epic Voicemails offers personalized Voice Greetings that are based on your first name. Are you waiting for a call from the job interview and need professional sounding messages? Are you the CEO or president of a Fortune 500 company? A hero in action, waiting for a helicopter. Shopping spree with celebrities A doctor in the operating table? Perhaps saving the galaxy from alien invaders. There are millions of combinations available, so there is something for everyone. Simply enter your name, choose a message category, and then select how you would like people to contact.
  • 3
    Wallace IT Visual Voicemail Reviews
    Older Vodafone customers who have activated visual voicemail before should be able use their voicemail pin for login. Newer customers will receive an automatically generated VVM passcode via silent SMS. This can only be intercepted using Xposed framework. This is an Android framework limitation that does not allow non-system apps to receive type 0 SMS messages. Advanced users can use Xposed framework to set up their accounts if they get a "username and password incorrect" error. Visual Voicemail has an Xposed framework module that allows you to receive VVM SMS messages directly from the provider. These messages are type 0 SMS and cannot be received by Android apps.
  • 4
    DISH Visual Voicemail Reviews
    DISH Visual Voicemail is an enhanced voicemail service that delivers messages directly to your phone. DISH Visual Voicemail allows you to listen to and read messages in any order, update contacts, and manage/search your mailbox without dialing or entering passwords. DISH VVM allows you to save and manage voicemail messages as well as transcriptions in your inbox just like email. The DISH VVM app can keep all your messages in one place, regardless of whether you are at work, on the phone, or in a meeting. DISH VVM saves your voicemails, transcriptions, and other data on your phone.
  • 5
    World Voicemail Reviews
    World Voicemail revolutionizes the voicemail experience. It makes it easy to retrieve and respond. You can view automatic transcripts of voicemails. You don't even have to log in to the App to view your voicemail. Get rid of spam voicemails by cutting through the noise. Move a voicemail to the Spam folder, or mark the caller as spammer. Artificial intelligence can also detect and notify you about suspected spam. Navigating voicemails via the App is as simple as scrolling and tapping. Voicemails can also be saved in threads that are sorted by sender. You can also send voicemails to your assistant to increase your responsiveness. You can filter calls from personal contacts.
  • 6
    Voice Message Reviews
    Voice messenger - Record and send voice messages.
  • 7
    Voicemail Saver Reviews

    Voicemail Saver

    Voicemail Saver

    $3.99 one-time payment
    Voicemail Saver is a tool that works with Android's Visual Voicemail to allow you to save voicemails privately. You will need to call your service if you don't have visual voicemail. Now you can record using our voice recorder. You can now call your service on speaker phone or without speakerphone on (try both to get the best sound quality), and listen to your voicemail before you hang up. A pop-up window will appear after you hang up. This will allow you to name the voicemail. After clicking OK, your voicemail will be saved to the Voicemailsaver. You can always download the Voicemail Saver to your new device, sign in with your email address, and then voila! Your voicemails will be there!
  • 8
    BASE Visual Voicemail Reviews

    BASE Visual Voicemail


    €5 per month
    BASE Company Visual Voicemail allows you to view and control your voicemail messages from your smartphone, without having to call 333. You will need to be connected to BASE Company's 2G/3G/4G network or to the internet via Wi-Fi to enjoy this service. You can view a list of voicemail messages and choose which message to listen to, share, delete or respond to. You will be charged for voicemail messages sent and received abroad by this VVM app, according to the tariffs of the foreign operator. The used data will be charged if you download this VVM app from the BASE Company 2G/3G, or 4G network. It is recommended that you download the VVM app via Wi-Fi.
  • 9
    HulloMail Reviews



    $2.99 per month
    Visual Voicemail does exactly as it says on its tin. Visual Voicemail allows users to see who left messages and can then play or read the voicemail in any order. You can choose what messages you want to read, listen to, and save. Then, you can easily call or text people back. It is the fastest way for you to get through voice messages. Visual voicemail without the smartphone would have been impossible. It is safe to say visual voicemail owes much of its success to the smartphone. AT&T and Apple's iPhone were the first mobile operators and smartphones to offer visual voicemail. It is important that you have visual voicemail enabled on your mobile operator. Not all mobile operators do. Thumbtel's call blocking technology is simple to use and can be used to block spam calls. The technology has stopped more than 1 billion robocalls so far and is now available in Hullomail Voicemail.
  • 10
    LetsDial Reviews
    LetsDial offers a comprehensive virtual telephone solution that enhances business communication with a number of advanced features. It provides virtual phone numbers that can be local, toll free, or international, allowing businesses to establish a professional image in different regions. Call forwarding, voicemail to email, call recording and customizable voice menus are all key features that streamline communication workflows. LetsDial also facilitates international calls, allowing businesses and clients to communicate seamlessly. The platform is available on multiple devices, including smartphones, tablets and computers. Users can manage their calls from anywhere. LetsDial uses encryption protocols to protect communication information. This makes it a reliable option for businesses looking for flexible and scalable communication.
  • 11
    AT&T Voicemail Viewer Reviews
    This app is only for AT&T voicemail on landlines. It does not work with mobile phones. Before downloading this app, make sure you have your AT&T office or home voicemail PIN. The AT&T Voicemail Viewer app allows you to easily keep track of voicemails and Unified Messaging messages from your Android phone. Voicemail Viewer allows you to view your messages and choose the order you want to listen to them. Voicemail Viewer may have a voicemail to text feature (VMTT), which allows you to automatically transcribe your voicemail. Voicemail Viewer includes VMTT for traditional phone service with Voicemail and Unified Messaging. Voicemail Viewer does not include VMTT for traditional phone service with Voicemail and Unified Messaging.