Best Study Tools for Enterprise

Find and compare the best Study Tools for Enterprise in 2024

Use the comparison tool below to compare the top Study Tools for Enterprise on the market. You can filter results by user reviews, pricing, features, platform, region, support options, integrations, and more.

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    BibliU Reviews
    Save up to 30-50% on course materials and improve student outcomes. With one platform, BibliU can improve student grades and outcomes. BibliU can help students improve their grades and lower costs. User-activated acquisitions improve procurement processes and help save money. Academic freedom is ensured by allowing academics the freedom to choose titles and adaptive courseware from thousands of publishers, OER sources and other sources. Give faculty the flexibility and freedom they need to teach and give all students access to essential course materials. BibliU offers solutions and products to solve problems at the campus level and on an individual basis. BibliU can assist with everything from process improvement to student retention and success rates. Pay only for content that you use to create an efficient library catalog. Stop paying too much for course materials. You can include the cost of textbooks in your tuition with our pricing.
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    Magoosh Reviews
    Magoosh wants to show that the months leading up to the test day do not have to be miserable. With our help, they can even be enjoyable. Our team is made up of educators, tutors, engineers and education enthusiasts who create the best tools and resources for you to study at your pace and on your time. Self-study prep and supplemental classes on demand allow you to study on your own. Study materials of the highest quality, constantly updated based on the answers of millions. Smart feedback and progress tracking will turn your weaknesses into your strengths. Magoosh will always provide you with the latest, most tested materials, based upon a careful analysis of millions students' answers. We don't overload you with questions, but we make each one count.
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    StudyStack Reviews
    StudyStack is an easy way to improve your grades. Create flashcards with the app or the site. You can then study your flashcards and play the games created automatically from your cards. Finally, you can quiz yourself to determine if you've mastered the information. Share your flashcards and you will be the class hero. StudyStack automatically creates games based on the data in your flashcards when you create them. These games include crosswords, hangmans, matching and hungry bug. You earn pie pieces as you complete different activities. Fill your pie with the pieces you have earned and you are ready to treat yourself.
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    Flashcard Machine Reviews
    Flashcard Machine lets the user quickly create custom study sessions based upon his or her previous performance in multiple study sessions. It is the only application that replicates the control a student has when studying flashcards. This app is linked to one of the biggest flashcard repositories available on the internet. It already contains all the flashcards you will need. The app automatically sorts and tracks flashcards in piles during the study session. Caches images to study flashcards without internet connection.
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    Educaline Reviews
    Educaline, a publisher of digital educational content, provides technological resources and methods for integrating ICT into the classroom. Educaline, a multinational company with its origins in Spain and a multimedia production house in Bogota that operates in educational centers throughout Latin America including Colombia, Bolivia Mexico, Panama Paraguay and Peru, is a multi-national company. Educaline is a multinational company that produces and distributes educational content, primarily at the K12 level. In our commitment to equality and innovation in education, we aim to improve academic results, promote bilingualism, and empower teachers to learn how to apply new technology to their practices. Educaline is the largest and most comprehensive digital interactive content repository in the world. It has been designed to work in any situation. All educational items are designed to align with educational curricula for ages 8-19 years.
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    Pocket Study Reviews
    Create flashcards quickly using the app's audio recording tool. Reference pictures are also included. Create a digital syllabus/content for the entire subject. While teaching, record your important crux & capture reference photos quickly. Listen to the IMP stuff in the teacher's voice & tonality to help you remember.
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    GetSet Reviews
    As your students share and connect in our secure online community, we enhance metacognitive abilities like resilience, growth mindset, and self-regulation while creating a sense of true belonging. GetSet's full suite of tools, including an evidence-based community, analytics and behavior change interventions, ensures improved retention. There is a shortage of highly-skilled talent. GetSet's new program helps employers find the talent they require and advances GetSet’s mission to help college students succeed. Employers invest in their future workers by sponsoring their degree. Sponsored students get two years of tuition paid in full at one of our partner schools and a job guarantee after graduation. GetSet offers higher education students, faculty and administrators a comprehensive platform for influence that includes social productivity interventions, community interactions, and the mindset needed by students.
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    Packback Reviews
    Packback can be used in classes of up to 2,500 students or as little as 10. It is designed to help manage and support all students. Track individual student growth and class progress and turn insights into thoughtful interventions. Message students who meet certain participation criteria for personalized coaching in any class size. The Instructor insights dashboard allows educators to see trends in their overall participation in courses and to get detailed insights into individual students within their class. They can also reach out to these students at scale using match & message. The dashboard provides a wealth of data visualization tools, but unlike many other tools that only show statistics, each metric is easily actionable and can be used to drive thoughtful interventions which help improve student and course performance.
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    ProProfs Flashcards Maker Reviews
    ProProfs Flashcards is the ideal tool for creating memory aids, formulas, words, and quotes. You can create engaging flashcards with ProProfs flashcards. Images and web links are easily added. You can create your own set of flashcards or choose from the more than 100,000 ready to use flashcards available in the ProProfs library. Customizing the fonts and colors of the text can be used to create branded flashcards. ProProfs Flashcards Maker does not require any complicated software to be downloaded or learned. It is the ideal tool for creating private or public flashcards. ProProfs offers a variety of online tools, including survey software, LMS Software, eLearning Software, and quizzes.
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    Startup Wars Reviews
    Our platform brings business & entrepreneurship to life through immersive, tailored simulations. Students can explore the topics in a fun and engaging way. No matter what your major or background is, our simulations can help you shape your career. Immerse yourself in the future of entrepreneurship and experience it today. Students can select from a variety of business simulations based on their interests. We have simulations that are relatable for every student, whether they're interested in the arts, hospitality or a SaaS business. Students enjoy applying their knowledge from your lessons in a business simulation. No longer must students wait until graduation to try out their side project or restaurant idea. Educators can deliver tailored learning experiences and maintain an intuitive grading scheme. Our commitment is to ensure accessibility and fairness for all.
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    SiLAS Reviews
    The SILAS SEL Screener is a unique tool that helps teachers assess student abilities before they intervene. These SILAS features will ensure that your social emotional learning lesson is a success. SILAS provides practitioners with an easy-to administer online screener which uses simulated school and life situations to provide accurate answers. The most accurate results are obtained by collecting data from all stakeholders. Students carry the information from previous years with them. Lessons that are already prepared save teachers time and allow them more time to deliver. Aligns with the ELA standards of your state and improves academic success. The SILAS platform is equipped with many unique features that allow for seamless integration of class schedules, and high levels of student engagement.
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    Education Quizzes Reviews
    They can be a fun way to study at home and also help you identify and improve your weak areas. The days of cramming endlessly for hours, sifting though notes and textbooks in order to find essential information are over. Our approach is refreshingly new. Each of our quizzes can be completed in as little as 2 minutes. The system keeps a record of the date and score each time the quiz is played. This record is overwritten every time the quiz is retaken. The recording method motivates children and allows parents to easily monitor progress.
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    Oliveboard Reviews
    Learn from and practice with experienced faculty who have years of experience helping students crack their dream Govt exams. Learning platform that adapts to your learning style and time constraints. Course content is created by experts and toppers in each category. It follows the latest exam patterns. Oliveboard's adaptive practice tests, personalized study plans, and other features are popular with aspirants.
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    Studywise Reviews
    Key Features Smart Notes: Convert complex lectures into easily-understood summaries. Homework Helper: Get instant answers to your toughest homework questions. Personalized Quizzes - Master any subject by taking quizzes that are tailored to you. Class Chatbots - Your AI tutor for each class and level. Why Studywise? Designed by experts in education who know what you need to learn. The latest scientific research is used to ensure that the results are proven. Powered by cutting edge AI, you will have the ultimate advantage in learning.
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    StuDocu Reviews
    Studocu offers millions of documents, notes, summaries and other study materials that students have shared. Find top-quality notes for your classes, degrees, courses and more. These notes will help you prepare for exams, do your homework and other assignments. Over 25 million students from both High School and Universities share valuable resources, such as class notes and homework assistance. Studocu can help you make homework, exams, and assignments easier. Browse through millions documents and notes uploaded to the site by students at top High Schools and universities worldwide. These include class notes and useful materials for homework.
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    Wordela Reviews
    The most reliable litmus test of education is the ability to spell and use vocabulary. A child's spelling and vocabulary can put them at a serious academic disadvantage in nearly every area. This can continue into adulthood. There are also studies that link vocabulary with success, status and income. Wordela Homeschool was created for this reason. Wordela believes that every homeschooled student should be able to achieve a high standard in spelling, vocabulary and literacy. Here are a few benefits that your child will enjoy with improved vocabulary and spelling skills. National common core standards and state-based education requirements require that children learn to spell and use vocabulary. If your child lacks these skills, he or she is behind national standards. Spelling and vocabulary improve reading, writing, comprehension and literacy.
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    Quizplus Reviews
    Access the largest online database of questions and answers on any academic topic. Online study tools of high quality in more than 30 study fields, including quizzes and flashcards. With thousands of study sets and practice exams, you can get through business school and prepare for your upcoming tests. You've come to right place if you're a recent graduate looking to advance in his career, or a student willing to grow both his professional and personal skill. Find solutions and explanations that have been verified by experts for all your college textbooks. We break down the difficult material for you by providing sample test questions and exercises.
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    StudyCorgi Reviews
    StudyCorgi offers a suite of free tools that empowers students and writers. StudyCorgi has all the tools you need to write. From essay generators and paraphrasing software, to conclusion generators and citation machines. Users can streamline their academic writing and research tasks with tools for analysis, creativity, and research. Business tools also cater to the needs of professionals, offering marketing assistance, environmental analysis, and strategic analysis. Academic excellence and professional success can be achieved with StudyCorgi.
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    StudyBlaze Reviews
    StudyBlaze turns boring study materials into interactive quizzes. It comes with a tutor AI that grades student answers, explains why the answers are correct or incorrect and always provides additional information to dig deeper. Key Features Converting audio, video, and PDF files into study materials Create interactive quizzes & flashcards Customize worksheets, practice tests and more Automated generation of study materials with AI-powered algorithms Multi-device access (desktops, tablets, and mobile devices) Seamless experience for the user with a focus of energy and enthusiasm Benefits: Automated creation of study materials saves time Interactive learning improves knowledge retention Customize content to individual learning styles