HeyTell®, a cross-platform voice and walkie talkie, allows you to instantly communicate with your friends and family using Android, iOS, or Windows Phone 7 devices by pressing a single button. It uses very little data, and is as simple as sending an email. It works on any Internet connection! You can also use the Voice Changer to create 25-way chats with Groups. HeyTell is ad-free thanks to the extras! Superior audio quality: HeyTell's 16 kHz frequency range gives it twice the frequency range as a cell phone call. You can set alert tones, send group messages, change your voice, batch-delete or expire messages, add emojis and more with the in-app purchasing function. Anyone who has your contact information and is friends or family with one of your HeyTell friends may connect with you. If they don't know your contact information and are friends with one of your HeyTell friends, they can connect with you.