Change the way you deliver pentests, with cloud pentest management tools, complete with automated reporting & everything you need to deliver Pentest-as-a-Service. Cloud tooling allows you to scale workloads and automate reports and project management so that you can return to pentesting. Cyver can import work data from tools such as Burp Suite, Nessus and NMap to fully automate reporting. With just one click, you can customize report templates, link projects and map findings to compliance controls. Pentest management in the cloud: Plan, manage and update pentests. We deliver tooling for client collaboration, pentest management, & long-term scheduling. Cyver's pentest management portal is a one-stop shop for all your pentest management needs. Offer recurring, scheduled pentests with client data and vulnerability management. Includes findings-as tickets, actionable insights such as threat analysis and compliance mapping dashboards. Direct communication.