You can trade globally using any payment system. Any currency. Hodl Hodl creates a unique multisig escrow to hold the currency. The seller deposits Bitcoin directly from his wallet into the escrow. Buyer pays seller according to the agreed payment method. The seller releases Bitcoin from multisig-escrow directly to the buyer’s wallet. Hodl Hodl doesn't hold any money (neither Bitcoin nor fiat), so it is not subject to complicated compliance procedures. Trades can be made directly between users' wallets without the need to submit your identity to trading platforms. Hodl Hodl is different from other P2P Bitcoin trading platforms in that we respect your privacy and do NOT hold funds. Hodl Hodl has a lower fee than other P2P trading platforms and charges 0.3% per trade. Hodl Hodl's other important feature is the ability to trade Bitcoin anywhere in the world using any payment method and receive payments in any currency.