rnbw Description
HTML and CSS is what you see on your browser. They're not just codes, they're also design tools. When you design using them, you are not working on a flat surface, but within the natural structure of the web. Think of the web like boxes within boxes. This allows you to freely move and compose your content. With rnbw you design within the framework of the web. Working within these limitations, you embrace the essence of web-design. rnbw can be used by anyone and is flexible enough to suit any situation. It's also open enough to be used in any way. It differs from traditional programs by focusing on the atomic concept. While features are great, "one-size fits all" solutions, atomic concept combinations multiply their meaning. By breaking complex ideas down into atomic concepts rnbw allows the user to build solutions that work for them and not others. We believe that this design principle is key to creating more powerful software.
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