GEOVIA Surpac™, the most popular geology/mine planning software in the world, supports open-pit and underground operations, and explore projects in over 120 countries. The software is easy-to-use, has powerful 3D graphics, and workflow automation that can be adapted to specific company processes and data flows. It delivers efficiency and accuracy. Surpac meets all the needs of surveyors and geologists in the resource sector. It is flexible enough that it can be used for any commodity, orebody, and mining method. Multilingual capabilities enable global companies to share a common solution across all their operations.
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MineScape was specifically designed to meet the stringent requirements of the mining industry. It is used in more than 200 complex mining operations, including nickel phosphate mining (Russia) and coal mining (Indonesia). It provides integrated solutions for underground and open-cut mining operations for coal and other metalliferous resources. MineScape is a world-class mine planning tool that offers extensive geological modeling and mine design functionality. GDB stores downhole survey data, lithology, quality data, and produces custom, summary, and user-definable reports. It allows geologists to perform correlations, composition, washability calculations, and classic 2D geostatistical analyses.
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RockWorks is a software program that creates 2D and 3-D maps, logs, cross sections, geological models and volume reports. It also provides general geology diagrams for the petroleum, geotechnical and mining industries. RockWorks is the industry standard for environmental, geotechnical and petroleum mining data visualization. It includes popular tools like maps, logs and cross sections, fence diagrams and solid models, as well as logs and solid models. RockWorks offers numerous options for analyzing your surface and subsurface data, and accepts many different data types, such as stratigraphy, lithology, downhole geochemistry/geophysics / geotechnical measurements, color intervals, fractures, and aquifer data. RockWorks' graphic output can be displayed in the built-in 2D or 3D viewing/editing window. You can also export to CAD and Google Earth and other GIS programs. To create page layouts for posters and reports, use the ReportWorks module.
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Maptek BlastLogic
Maptek BlastLogic, an all-in one solution, adds value to open cut operations by streamlining drill & blast design and tracking. It allows operations to make blasting decisions based on mine plans, geology and geotechnical information with instant data connectivity and visualization in the office or field. Flexible drill and blast systems designed to work in demanding production environments. Users can access data instantly and universally, which simplifies and accelerates routine tasks. Innovation in blast modeling, design, and analysis. All operational blast data centrally recorded. Interfaces with leading drilling navigation systems. Scalable business-wide solution. The best blast performance can be achieved by combining data sets from mine planning, drill guidance and field survey, as well as parameters for load design, post-blast evaluation, to create an intelligent blast design.
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