What Integrates with VarSeq?
Find out what VarSeq integrations exist in 2025. Learn what software and services currently integrate with VarSeq, and sort them by reviews, cost, features, and more. Below is a list of products that VarSeq currently integrates with:
Golden Helix
FreeThis free tool provides stunning visualizations of genomic data, giving you the power to see exactly what is happening at each base pair within your samples. GenomeBrowse is a desktop application that runs natively on your computer. You no longer have to compromise on speed or interface quality in order to achieve a consistent experience across platforms. It was designed with performance in mind, to provide a faster browsing experience than any genome browser currently available. GenomeBrowse has also been integrated into the powerful Golden Helix VarSeq annotation and interpretation platform. VarSeq is a powerful tool for filtering, analyzing, and annotating your data. If you enjoy the visualization experience provided by GenomeBrowse then try it out. GB can show all your alignment data. You can find context-relevant findings by looking at all your samples together. -
Golden Helix
VSClinical allows the clinical interpretation based on ACMG & AMP Guidelines. The VSClinical workflow is guided by the American College of Medical Genetics guidelines for identifying and classifying causal variants in inherited disease risk, predisposition to cancer, and diagnosis of rare diseases. The ACMG/AMP Joint Guidelines for Variant Interpretation provide a set criteria to score variants, and place them in one of five classification tiers. The guidelines require a deep dive into the annotations and genomic context of each variant, as well as existing clinical assertions. VSClinical offers a customized workflow to score each relevant criteria, while also providing bioinformatics, literature and evidence gathered from clinical knowledgebases. VSClinical was designed to help variant scientists process variants efficiently.
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