User Insights Description

User Insights allows you to see what your customers think of your website. You can get ideas for improvements, fix friction points, improve conversions, and much more. You don't need to wonder "what if?" or guess at what might happen. Be confident in your decisions, and get real user feedback to improve your website. It can be difficult to create a user-centric product without talking with users. We make it easy. We only need a link. We will send the link to our testers, or you can share it with your friends. Our competitors believe you should pay more to get additional features. This is absurd. All of our features are included in every test. We don't think you would ever need a subscription to user test, so we don’t offer one. We require testers to spend no less than 5 minutes on your website. Our competitors prefer 20+ minutes. If it's worth finding it, we think you'll find it within 5 minutes. Users who spend 20+ minutes on your website aren't necessarily the ones you're trying to understand.


Pricing Starts At:
$20 per user tests


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User Insights Features and Options

Usability Testing Software

A/B Testing
Audience Targeting
Impression Testing
Mobile Testing
Moderated Usability Testing
Prototype Testing
Quantitative Metrics
Remote User Testing
Reporting / Analytics
Surveys and Feeback
Video Recording / Transcription

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