Stockwise Description
Stockwise offers a growing number of technical indicators. These range from simple price targets to MACD. Chained alerts can take your trading to the next level. You can combine any number of technical indicators to improve your trading strategies. Stock alerts can contain 1 or more conditions and a value. Stockwise will immediately notify you via push notification, email, or text message if the condition value is met. Stockwise currently offers two types of alert: single and chained. Chained alerts allow you to be notified when all conditions are met, while single alerts can only notify you about a specific condition. Write down your thoughts and develop your trading strategy. Your trades automatically link from your broker to your stockwise account. You can use the journal feature to help you plan and execute your strategy. It organizes and makes it easy to find your trades. You can add tags, photos, and news articles to any journal to create a complete picture about your trade's reasoning.
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