Bitget Wallet
Bitget Wallet is the ultimate Web3 multichain wallet. It offers a comprehensive platform that combines wallet, Swap Market, DApp Browser and Launchpad. Bitget Wallet aggregates the top DEXs, NFT markets and 100+ public chains to provide users with best trading prices.
With over 60 million users and connections to over 100 blockchains, 20,000+ DApps, and 500,000+ tokens, Bitget Wallet enables seamless multi-chain trading across hundreds of DEXs and cross-chain bridges
Our mission is to build a decentralized Web3 crypto wallet that offers a convenient and secure trading experience for all cryptocurrency users.
The NFT Market of Bitget Wallet, with its 220,000 NFT collections, and $40 million in trading volumes, is one of BNB Chain's and Polygon's largest marketplaces. It uses the unique DESM algorithm and offers a 400 million Secure Asset Fund (SAF) to ensure the security of user transactions and assets.
Bitget Web3 Wallet's user-friendly features empower users to engage in decentralized applications and digital asset exchanges, making it easier than ever to take advantage of the Web3 ecosystem.
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Stellarport is your portal for all assets on the Stellar network. The platform includes a simple-to-use, noncustodial wallet, trading #SDEX and a powerful asset-discovery engine. Stellarport is 100% P2P and non-custodial. Discover collectibles and NFT, as well as hundreds of crypto assets. Stellarport doesn't store your wallet keys, so hackers are not at risk. Every transaction is performed directly on your machine. Your secret key is not stored in memory. It is deleted after 20 minutes of inactivity. Your security is in your control when you use Stellarport We are not responsible to ensure the security of your secret keys. It is your responsibility to ensure that it remains safe. Cryptocurrency is all about the individual. Use that power responsibly and wisely! Stellar allows you to trade hundreds of crypto assets, collectibles, and NFT.
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Armory Secure Wallet is the only open-source wallet that supports multi-signature support and cold storage. Through its unique interface, Armory makes Bitcoin security best practice accessible to everyone. It's also free. Armory was designed with developers in mind. Armory is an ideal base for building Bitcoin apps such as exchanges and crowdfunding platforms. Need help managing large Bitcoin balances? We can help exchanges, trusts and hedge funds manage large Bitcoin balances. Armory is the most complete and secure solution for institutions and users to generate and store Bitcoin private key. Users don't have to trust Armory and can use it with Glacier Protocol. Satoshi would be proud. Users have multiple encrypted Bitcoin wallets as well as permanent, one-time paper backups'. Armory was the first to use cold storage and distributed multisignature.
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Coin Wallet
Coin Wallet is an open-source, multicurrency wallet that is easy to use and doesn't hold your money. It lets you buy, sell, exchange, store, and send Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, Monero, Solana, Avalanche, Cardano, Toncoins, and other popular coins and tokens. With its easy-to-use interface and safety features, Coin Wallet makes it easy to manage a wide range of digital assets. Whether you are new to cryptocurrencies or have been investing in them for a long time, Coin Wallet can meet all of your needs.
You can get Coin Wallet on the web, on your phone (iOS and Android), and on your computer (Windows, Linux, or macOS).
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