The modern data workspace. All your data assets, from data tables to reports, will be instantly discoverable. The combination of powerful search algorithms and easy browsing makes it easy to find the right asset. Atlan automatically generates data quality profiles that make it easy to detect bad data. We have you covered, from automatic variable type detection and frequency distribution to missing values or outlier detection. Atlan takes the hassle out of managing and governing your data ecosystem. Atlan's bots analyze SQL query history to automatically construct data lineage. They also auto-detect PII information. This allows you to create dynamic access policies and best-in-class governance. Our Excel-like query builder allows anyone to query multiple data lakes, warehouses, and DBs. Native integrations with tools such as Tableau and Jupyter make data collaboration possible.
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IRI Voracity
IRI Voracity is an end-to-end software platform for fast, affordable, and ergonomic data lifecycle management. Voracity speeds, consolidates, and often combines the key activities of data discovery, integration, migration, governance, and analytics in a single pane of glass, built on Eclipse™.
Through its revolutionary convergence of capability and its wide range of job design and runtime options, Voracity bends the multi-tool cost, difficulty, and risk curves away from megavendor ETL packages, disjointed Apache projects, and specialized software. Voracity uniquely delivers the ability to perform data:
* profiling and classification
* searching and risk-scoring
* integration and federation
* migration and replication
* cleansing and enrichment
* validation and unification
* masking and encryption
* reporting and wrangling
* subsetting and testing
Voracity runs on-premise, or in the cloud, on physical or virtual machines, and its runtimes can also be containerized or called from real-time applications or batch jobs.
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Talend Data Catalog
Talend Data Catalog provides your organization with a single point of control for all your data. Data Catalog provides robust tools for search, discovery, and connectors that allow you to extract metadata from almost any data source. It makes it easy to manage your data pipelines, protect your data, and accelerate your ETL process. Data Catalog automatically crawls, profiles and links all your metadata. Data Catalog automatically documents up to 80% of the data associated with it. Smart relationships and machine learning keep the data current and up-to-date, ensuring that the user has the most recent data. Data governance can be made a team sport by providing a single point of control that allows you to collaborate to improve data accessibility and accuracy. With intelligent data lineage tracking and compliance tracking, you can support data privacy and regulatory compliance.
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To have complete control over your data, harness the power of data discovery, data lineage and a data catalogue. It can quickly navigate through complex data landscapes. Access the most comprehensive automated data lineage and discovery system. This gives you unprecedented visibility and trust in the most complex data environments. Octopai extracts metadata from all data environments. Octopai can instantly analyze metadata in a fast, secure, and easy process. Octopai gives you access to data lineage, data discovery, and a data catalogue, all from one central platform. In seconds, trace any data from end to end through your entire data landscape. Find the data you need automatically from any place in your data landscape. A self-creating, self updating data catalog will help you create consistency across your company.
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